In defense of "irrelevancy" claims as to Obama and his National Security Council.

In the joining post on the scroll down,  I make the case for the irrelevancy of both H Obama and his recent appointment of Susan Rice to the head of the National Security Council. 

If we define his primary domestic political goal as being the total destruction of conservative opinion,  the criminalization of conservative talk,  the devaluation of conservative traditions and morals,  I believe we can safely say,  he will ultimately fail.  Oh,  he will have some success in this collective regard,  but the conservative voice is perhaps stronger today than ever before  . . . . . . .  and “we” are learning to ignore and disobey his decrees,  just as he as done from the beginning of his presidency.  He is a lawless Chicago thug who  is not interested in changing his stripes or hiding his angst. 

Of course I could be wrong,  but I believe that his style of liberalism has not only isolated him from half of this nation’s population,  it is,  now,  causing great concern within the more traditional elements of his own party.  Rabid collectivists such as Dick Durban and Charles Shumer and Hillary Clinton,  aside,  there is a number of more traditional libs who are beginning to see the destructiveness of Hussein Obama’s crap domestic policies and the effect it is having on the Democrat Party,  itself. 

While I make light of Susan Rice’s appointment,  understand that I know her position is one that gives her a strong measure of control over the State Department,  all offices dealing with foreign affairs, even over the  Joint Chiefs of Staff.  But she is only a “top dog” in a population of dissident politicians who subscribe to Michelle Obama’s description of her radicalized husband.  

May of 2008 - MICHELLE OBAMA: "Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."

Bill Clinton,  as unlikable as he was,  was my president.  Hussein Obama is not,  and he makes that very clear.

It is as if our nation is made up of opposite shores, opposing  boundaries with half the nation "over there,"  and the other half right here where we have always been.  And what “they” do,  "over there,"   should not be allowed to have any consequence to me,  over here.

One thing I have learned to appreciate,  during this four year hell we have been living, is the power of public opinion and the vote.  While all is not well, in this regard,  the fact of the matter is this:  Hussein Obama,  using and misusing federal powers such as the IRS,  the EPA, the ATF,  OSHA  and Homeland Security,  to harass and nullify his opposition  (that would be "we the people"),  has not been able to enact much of his agenda.  In spite of his immense power as "president,"  little of his agenda has passed  through congress and what has,  is among the most poorly written pieces of legislation in our history.  The Dodd/Frank finance bill has been declared  a total failure by folks on the Left and the Right,  and we all know of the "train wreak" that is Obama.

This age of aggressive irrelevancy is coming to an end,  hopefully in my lifetime.   How we put Humpty Dumpty back together again is critical,  but that is another discussion for another time.  

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