Chris Christie is selling books for a living while pretending to care about the Conservative Agenda.

Michael Brice-Saddler / Washington Post:
Chris Christie rips Kushner's dad: ‘One of the most loathsome, disgusting crimes that I prosecuted’  —  Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie took several shots at White House senior adviser Jared Kushner in his new book “Let Me Finish,” alleging that in an act of spite …
Editor:  Turns out that Christie was a failed (miserably so) presidential primary candidate  who sought positions within the Trump Administration,   and,  now that he has been rejected on an Administrative level,  is selling books and making money from people who are sucker enough to buy and read his stuff.  
Look,  ask yourselves this:  eactly what has Chris Christie done for the Conservative Movement?  Seriously,  can you give me a single lasting result to his so-called "conservative positioning?"  So,  he is not "conservative" if that entails a driven effort in building a consevative coalition.  In fact,  who is doing that   . . . . .   building a conservative coalition?  
Radio talk show hosts.  Top of my list,  "radio talk show host" and I am not talking about Bill Press or NPR. 

In fact,  they (conservaties) are radio hosts,  first,  because they want to add to the conversation and fight the lies coming from the Left.  They fight the Left,  stand up against them,  and very often,  expose their political treachery.  I mean,  one day the Left loves God and Country,  the next day,  the very next day,  someone like Cortez comes along,  and suddenly they all want to be like Europe.  Turns out you cannot have open borders and a sovereign nation.  As far as "God" is concerned,  the Democrat representatives at the 2012 National Convention,  three times voted to take mention of "God" out of their official national statement but the leadership would not allow it  Turns out that voting agianst God inherited bad optics. That was then,  this is now.    Seven years later,  this week,   Pelosi has made a move to take "so help me God" out of the oath for office in the House.   'nuff said about all that.   

Update:  There are literally hundreds of local conservative talk shows,  nation wide,  but no category of the Pundit Population has done more for the conservative cause than Donald J Trump.  The man is a one man army. 

Libs don't have "radio hosts."  Rather,  they own the national media,  and the Democrat Party has six to ten members who didicate themselves to appaeaances on the national televised talk shows such as Meet the Press and whatever,  appearing each and every weekend to make their case.  Republicans?  Well,  they complain about conservative talk shows,  but they are not willing to affect the national dialogue on their own.  Of course there are exceptions to all of the above,  but the general picture is extacly as I have presented.  
And,  unless they decide to sell a book or two,  the GOP has no plans to change its strategy,    I call it "strategic silence,"  another phrase for "lets do nothing and hope and pray our talk show community can fight our battles while we pretend to disapprove."   

In the latest WSJ/NBC poll, Trump's positives are at 39%, Pelosi at 28% and the two political parties at 36% or less.

source:  NBC/WSJ here

Willie Brown had a call-girl when he was in power. Her name: Kamala Harris.

More… Willie Brown Gave His Mistress Kamala Harris Her First State Jobs — With Income Totaling More than $400,000 in 5 Yrs.

Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown admitted this week to an extramarital affair with Kamala Harris.
Brown also admitted to giving Harris her first state jobs.

In a short article in the San Francisco Chronicle Brown admitted to the extra-marital affair and to appointing Harris to two state commissions.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.
And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.
Willie Brown gave his young mistress her first state positions totalling more than 400,000 in five years.

If Trumps takes the Pelosi bait, he loses my vote until he earns it back.

BREAKING: Speaker Pelosi Invites President Trump to Give SOTU Address on February 5th From House Chamber

This is called "opposition research" and is information about Burnie posted via Russian participation.

Footage of a shirtless, drunk Bernie Sanders in the USSR on his ‘honeymoon’ singing with presumed Soviets in 1988 surfaced and was posted to Twitter on Monday.

The video of Bernie was posted to Twitter by Travis Justin, a Navy veteran and leader of “Draft Beto 2020.”

The shutdown cost Central Government 11 billion , , , , but virtualy none of this amount was new expense.

800,000 federal workers were temporarily laid off at no additional cost to the taxpayer.  Most of that 11 billion is the cost of the Federal Government for 36 days come rain or shine.  It is the Media trying to cast a poor light on the shutdown    . . . .   and in this case,  the media pulls this stunt everytime we have such a circumstance. 

26 million spent to get 14 day jail sentence (Popadoulphous) and an indictment for lying to the FBI (Stone). Now you know why our side of the aisle is not worried about Mueller.

Barbara McQuade / USA Today:
Stone indictment: Serious Russia investigation charges hint Mueller has more coming  —  The FBI arrested Roger Stone, longtime campaign associate of President Donald Trump.  Stone is indicted for lying about the Russian investigation in the 2016 election.  —  Mueller clues show possibility …

Ever heard of "Politicus USA?" Me neither. And Jason Easley? Trump terrified? Seriously, this is the media strategy for dragging the California Congresswoman across the finish line in 2020?

Jason Easley / POLITICUSUSA:
Kamala Harris Launches Her Campaign And Immediately Terrifies Trump  —  Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) launched her 2020 campaign in Oakland and immediately showed why Trump's advisers are so afraid of her.  —  Sen. Harris said: … Video:  —  Kamala Harris came out strong against Trump

They have to kill the unborn in the wormb (I call it a "death chamber") by pulling it apart, arms, legs, pinching the head off the neck - this is the tolerent Democrat Party.

To the sound of supporters chanting “free abortion on demand, we can do it, yes we can,” the New York legislature just passed the terribly named “Reproductive Health Act.” It’s the most radically pro-abortion state-level initiative in recent memory.
The new law has nothing to do with health, and everything to do with death. It removes abortion from the criminal code and makes it legal all the way up to birth, allowing all doctors and midwives to kill unborn babies, no questions asked.

Not all the news is bad for the President.

Majority of Americans Believe Mueller’s Coup d’Etat Probe Is Complete Bullsh*t – Only 24% Have Confidence in Anti-Trump Witch Hunt

 The Mueller Witch Hunt and Deep State FBI stormed 66-year-old Roger Stone’s apartment on Friday morning with six vehicles and 29 fully armed FBI agents — not counting the CNN television crew who tagged along.

The Pentagon used less force when they used 25 Navy SEALs to storm Al-Qaeda 9-11 terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden’s home in 2011.

 Not all the news is bad for Trump.  Be honest and ask your selves this question:  who in the hell will care about the shutdown two years from now?  The "damage" done to the president is short lived at best.  And,  if he can pull a rabbit out the hat between now and then  (talking about the election), he will be back on top. 

Here is more good news for the Prez:  Turns out only 25% of Americans have confidence in the Mueller probe and 50% think it is a total sham,  according to a recent ABC/WaPost survey.   

Update:   Stone is what,  70 years old?  If the Feds had simply given the man a phone call and told him to show up in Federal Court,  well,  he would have done so.  So the FBI treats this guy like a Mafia Lord while the Federal Court disagreed and ordered Stone to post $25,000 for bail money and did not agree with the notion that Stone was a flight risk.    Look,  the reason this investigation is taking so long is due to the fact that if any of this goes to court,  Mueller and the Dems will look like the fools they are.  Need I remind you of the Popadoulphus sentence of 14 days  ??? !!!!  What a joke these people are. 

Something to think about from a former Assistant Attorney General:

Will the Justice Department ever correct the record?

by Andrew McCarthy, past  Assistant Attorney General in the Southern District of New York,

R oger Stone is the shiny object. The obstruction charges in his long-anticipated indictment, made public on Friday, are not the matter of consequence for the United States.Nor is the critical thing the indictment’s implicit confirmation that there was no criminal “collusion” conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia.
What matters is this: The indictment is just the latest blatant demonstration that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office, the Department of Justice, and the FBI have known for many months that there was no such conspiracy. And yet, fully aware that the Obama administration, the Justice Department, and the FBI had assiduously crafted a public narrative that Trump may have been in cahoots with the Russian regime, they have allowed that cloud of suspicion to hover over the presidency — over the Trump administration’s efforts to govern — heedless of the damage to the country.

The rationale for the Trump-Russia investigation — namely, the notion that the Trump campaign had “coordinated” in the Kremlin’s cyber-espionage operation to meddle in the 2016 campaign — has been nothing more than a suspicion harbored by political, law-enforcement, and intelligence officials who loathed Donald Trump. That there may be a thousand good reasons to dislike Donald Trump is irrelevant, for we are talking about investigations, not politics. Investigative suspicions must be rooted in fact, not contempt.
Not only was the suggestion of a Trump-Russia conspiracy not founded on fact. The officials calling the shots had reason to know that the premise was factually false. In truth, there was no evidence of Trump-campaign complicity in Russian espionage — nothing but the Clinton-campaign generated, unverified Steele dossier. The months-in-the-making Stone indictment is just the latest proof of that.

Yet investigators were not just content to let the country believe there was a Trump-Russia criminal conspiracy; they affirmatively encouraged the public to believe it was true. Even as they indicted people for providing misleading information and then failing to correct the record, they never themselves corrected the misimpression they had gratuitously created in public statements — the statement issued by FBI director James Comey, with Justice Department approval, just two months after Trump took office; and the statement issued by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein two months later, when he reiterated Comey’s testimony in appointing Special Counsel Mueller.

OK. Trump caved on the shutdown. If he gives the State of the Union speech in the House because Pelosi gave him permission, he just lost my vote.

I took down my flag today.
As a symbol of our founding and what this country was 
intended to be,  the flag is worthless.     

Just know that the people who started the Civil War,  
segregated our military during each of the two World
Wars, invented the KKK and murdered more than 4,000 
blacks,  and,  no longer accepts our national election
results,  are running the country and they are here
to stay.  

You should be surprised to read this election cycle development:

Marc Caputo / Politico:
'Florida is Trump's state to lose'  —  The nation's biggest swing state looks even more like Trump Country heading into 2020.  —  Newly released Florida voter data suggest President Donald Trump will begin his reelection campaign as the favorite in a state that offers a windfall of 29 electoral votes.

Here is yet another Time's article designed to suppress the GOP vote. Expect to see dozens of such articles.

Rachel Bitecofer / New York Times:
Why Trump Will Lose in 2020  —  The president is running hard on a strategy of riling up his base.  But by doing that, he riles up the Democratic base, too, and that one is bigger.  —  Dr. Bitecofer is a professor of political science at Christopher Newport University.
Editor:  Rachel Bitecofer  (no,  nobody knows who this chick is) resurrects the same tired "predictive" crap as in 2016.  Now,  don't get me wrong,  her prediction of a Trump defeat my be true,  but not because she knows what she is talking about.  She and the Mential Genius Community that support her,  ala 2016 and beyond,  made the same predictions and lost that election .  They lost because Hillary was as poor a candidate as one could imagine,    lazy,  lacking in the social grace of congeniality,  a proven liar,  and pathedtic/enabling wife,  and,  as money hungry as any politician in American history.  The electorial college gave her 223 votes to Trumps 306,  a solid victory and she has never stopped making excuses for her ineptness at campaigning.  

The NY Times has posted yet another article designed to suppress the GOP vote.  Expect to see dozens of such articles.  "Truth" is not the point of such tripe.  The only purpose for such articles,  since polling data is obviously not "scientifc,"  is to drive the Trump supporter back into their hiding places. 

Marc Thiessen is correct. If Alexandria Cortez was a flaming liberal socialist but identified with he GOP, this would be her fate in the Pretend National News Media:

Marc A. Thiessen / Washington Post:
If Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were a conservative  —  If Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) were a conservative, all anyone would be talking about is how uninformed she is.  She would be facing trick questions from reporters designed to expose her lack of knowledge, and brutal sketches on …

And to think that self righteousnss includes the smugness of Bill Kristol. With his foot in his mouth again, one would think his mother told him not to talk with his mouth full.

And Kristol nails the reason why McCain was defeated in 2008.  Turns out that 
no one cared about the principals of a John McCain.  When will the self-righteous
Right learn that politics is about winning,  not digifying losing strategies. 

BuzzFeed, with its proven record of lies and misinformation, now tells another whopper.

Azeen Ghorayshi / BuzzFeed News:
Trump's Lawyer Said There Were “No Plans” For Trump Tower Moscow.  Here They Are.  —  Trump's lawyer claims the Moscow tower was barely more than a notion.  “There were no drafts.  Nothing in the file.”  Documents obtained by BuzzFeed News tell a different story.

Editor:  Apparently,  BuzzFeed does not know the difference between construction plans and concept drawings.  'nough said.

There is no debate about this fact. Will someone please tell Alyssa Milano.

Leftist Darling Alyssa Milano: ‘The Red MAGA Hat is the New KKK Hood’; Attacks Covington Catholic Students

Well,  Alyssa should know about the KKK hoodie's.  It was her political party that created those hoods and populated that killer organization.  And the Democrat KKK killed close to 4,400 blacks in the south during the murderous spree of the KKK.  

Who opposes "the wall?"

Who opposes "the wall?"  Easy,  the Dems and the Mexican Catel.  That should tell you all you need to know about that debate. 

Covington Catholic Teens to meet with the President on Wednesday.

INGRAHAM: Covington Catholic Teens to Meet With President Trump at the White House as Early as TOMORROW

That Injun with the war drum? He never served in Viet Nam as he claimed. How long will the Media take to stop using him as a "source?" They are still using Blumenthal and he told the same lie about his "service" in Viet Nam.

HE LIED: Native American Activist Nathan Phillips Never Served in Vietnam — But Raised Money By Saying He Did

The Washington Post has had to issue yet another retraction after falsely claiming that far-left Native American activist Nathan Phillips served in the Vietnam War. He didn’t — but this lie was previously used to help raise money for a documentary about his life.

On Monday, the Washington Post quietly issued a correction to their story about the activist, saying that while he served in the Marines, he was never deployed to Vietnam.

Update:   It Gets Worse: Far Left Activist Nathan Phillips Told Reporters He Served in Vietnam in 1976 — US Withdrew in 1973!

There is no reason for this investigation, but Dems are not invested in representative government so they commit to fantasy judgments and unAmerican "investigations."

On Yahoo News’ “Skullduggery” podcast, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) accused House Republicans of using power to “impede and throw sticks into the spokes of the Mueller investigation” when they had the majority.
Whitehouse said, “Whether it amounts to criminal conduct or not, clearly the efforts of the House Republicans were designed to impede and throw sticks into the spokes of the Mueller investigation. To discredit it, to slow it down, to foul it up, to provide alternative narratives, potentially even to communicate to potential witnesses and jurors their alternative narratives and thereby influence the proceedings, all of that.”

Editor:  When a Democrat says "whether it amounts to criminal conduct or not  . . . ,  "  she means,  "there is no criminal conduct."  Understnad that Whitehouse knows that the GOP CANNOT impede the Mueller investigation apart from having him fired.  And,  that last :alternative" is something the GOP is fiercely opposed to.  What we have here is more wasted time dealing with a fantasy issue designed to reject the 2016 election.  


Fox News:  President Trump’s re-election campaign said Friday it’ll send faux red bricks to the offices of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer until Democrats agree to fund a border wall.
To raise money for the 2020 race, the Trump campaign is asking donors to chip in $20.20 for each fake brick, which will be sent to the Democratic congressional leaders amid the fight that underlies the extended partial government shutdown.
“Since Chuck and Nancy keep stonewalling the president, we’ll send the wall to them, brick by brick, until they agree to secure the border,” said Brad Parscale, Trump’s campaign manager.
Parscale said the bricks will include facts about “the crime, drugs, and human trafficking that result from open borders.”
The fundraising tactic comes as negotiations between the president and Democrats to reopen the government have deadlocked over the border wall.

So, its OK to mock teens who support Trump, but when they return the favor, it is a shame? Dems started this fight, now they get to pay the price. Not right? Of course not, but reality often trumps what is right.

Lisa Ryan / The Cut: Mob of MAGA Hat-Wearing Teen Boys Caught on Video Harassing Native Elder

This picture was typical to the Women's March 2019. Just a bunch of trash talking women(?) pretending to have relevance in the current debate.

Apparently these genius women (?) didn't get the memo:  the pussy hats are out
because the transgender woman does not have a pussy.  We used to call these
people "men."  

It been three years now, and the Women's March has lost more than half its sponsors and has no influence on the coming 2020 election cycle.

Body parts, foul language, and hate speech took center stage at the third Women’s March in Washington, DC, on Saturday. Women and men clad in pussy hats carried signs cursing President Donald Trump and praising female genitalia and reproductive organs. And one more obvious reality:  If your pussy is your prerogative,  stop asking me to pay for your abortions  ~  editor. 

After a year of pretending she had evidence of Russian Collusion, this Thailand whore admitted in Russian court that she had been lying . . . . something most of us already knew.

ANOTHER Junk #FakeNews Report Implodes: Russian Hooker Admits She Made Up Trump-Russia Collusion So Mueller Would Spring Her from Jail

As reported earlier this week — Russian hooker Nastya Rybka was released from jail this week.

A Russian hooker in Thailand was granted a suspended sentence after she said she had information on Trump-Russia Collusion for the FBI.

So the Mueller Special Counsel broke her out of jail.
According to reports from Asia:

Nastya Rybka was arrested in Russia when she returned to Moscow.

On Friday Rybka apologized to the court and to Russian tycoon Oleg Deripaska for making up a story to tell Robert Mueller and the FBI.
It was all a lie to get out of jail.
Of course, ALL of the Fake News liberal media fell for the nonsense.
Rybka’s claims made headlines on CNN last year.


Liberals in Crisis! President Trump GAINS 19 POINTS with Latino Voters Since Shutdown

If she passes now, there is time to secure her replacement. Next year? The Dems will succeed in blocking her replacement if she passes next year, but not this year.

BREAKING: First Media Outlet to Report on Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Cancer NOW SAYS She Contracted Pneumonia – Is Fighting for Her Life

Maxine is pretending to be on a crusade versus the banking world. Just know that it all a lie and pay no attention to what this very ugly on the inside woman has to say.

Maxine Waters is planning on running her banking committee based on revenge.  And she has singled out Wells Fargo as she moves forward:   Waters has a special enmity for the Wells Fargo bank. In a letter to her Democratic colleagues that the Los Angeles Times intercepted, Waters outlined her concerns, calling Wells Fargo a  “recidivist financial institution” that she aimed to discipline with a bill that would dismantle large banks.

Lots of BS in this story and the LA Times knows it.  Waters can do nothing to the banking world that is not approved by the Senate and EVERYONE knows this to be true.  And how does attacking Wells Fargo for actions it took 11 years ago to help the common man?  The answer is obvious.

Dems talk and talk about the Emolument Clasue of the Constitution as if it has ever had an effect on the U.S. Presidency. It has not.

NPR:    The Inspector General for the General Services Administration, the agency that leased the building to Trump in 2013, said in a report published Wednesday that agency lawyers decided to ignore the constitutional issues when they reviewed the lease after Trump won the 2016 election."The GSA Office of General Counsel recognized that the President's business interest in the lease raised issues under the U.S. Constitution that might cause a breach of the lease, yet chose not to address those issues," said Inspector General Carol F. Ochoa. "As a result, GSA foreclosed an opportunity for an early resolution of these issues and instead certified compliance with a lease that is under a constitutional cloud."
Neither the White House nor the Trump Organization has responded to interview requests.
"Today, the GSA OIG confirmed what we all knew: The Trump Administration is in violation of the Emoluments clauses of the United States Constitution," said Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., in a statement. "GSA's decision to not consider whether the President's business interest in the Old Post Office lease might be unconstitutional has enabled the President to line his pockets."

Editor:  with all this talk about the lttle known and NEVER litigated "emolument clause" to our Constitution,  did you know that such was virtually unknown before the Dems dug it up at the beginning of the Trump Presidency,  that it has not been used in a prosecution of a sitting president,  and has never even been litagated (tested) in our courts?   "They"  talk as if this issue is criticial to the Constitutional view of the presidency,  when,  in point of fact,  the emolument clause has never been used to define the business practices of a sitting president   . . . . .   never    . . . .   not a single time.

Related legal opinion:
By Jessica Levinson, professor at Loyola Law School
As 2018 gets underway, many are continuing to look for ways to remove President Donald Trump from office. Recently, some Trump critics had staked their hopes on an arcane, little-known and virtually impossible-to-pronounce Constitutional provision known at the emoluments clause. But thanks in part to a recent federal court decision, we may never know what the clause means. While the court battles will continue, it now seems likely that the emoluments clause will not be the legal vehicle that ushers Trump out of the Oval Office.

How important is the presidencial race in 2020 to the future of the House?

Democratic overperformance in 2018 gives the majority party breathing room to start, but a GOP presidential win could put the House in play

By Kyle Kondik
Managing Editor, Sabato's Crystal Ball


-- Democrats start the cycle favored to hold the House majority, but a GOP presidential victory would open the door to Republicans restoring total control of Washington.
-- Overall, roughly equal numbers of Democratic (47) and Republican (46) districts begin the cycle listed in our ratings in the Toss-up, Leans, and Likely categories. That means that more than three of every four House districts (79%) begin the cycle as rated Safe for the incumbent party.
-- Presidential trends in these districts -- both where they’ve been and where they may be going -- were a major factor in the ratings.

Nancy Pelosi refused to meet with these victim familes of illegal alien crime.

More have been removed from office at Justice and the FBI that have been implicated by Mueller. Here is a list:

Here are 14 participants in the attempted coup of our government,  far more than are implicated by the Feds in the Russian Investigation: 

Rachel Brand (resigned) ,  Peter Strzok (demoted),  Lisa Page (resigned), Andrew McCabe (fired), James Baker (retired), David Laufman  (resigned), James Rybicki (resigned),  Preet Bharara  (fired),  Bruce Ohr  (demoted), Sally Yates  (fired), Mary McCard (resigned), Michael Kortan  (retired),  James Comey (fired), Andrew Wiseman

Enemy of the people? The media or companies like Google?

In 2016,  it is now known that Google moved 4 million votes into the Hillary camp.  Forget the media,  "Big Tech" is the enemy of the people and is a much larger threat to free elections,  than Russia has ever been made out to be.  More on this in the coming week. 

Time will tell if this is an onest attempt at finding out the truth.

JUST IN: Federal Court Orders Discovery to Begin on Clinton Email Scandal – Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes Must Respond Under Oath

What is happening regarding the shutdown: Both sides dig in for a long shutdown period as public opinion is slowly turning in Trump's favor.

NY Times:   Senior administration officials, in the latest indication that they do not expect the partial shutdown to end anytime soon, made contingency plans to call back workers without pay. The Federal Aviation Administration said it was bringing thousands of furloughed inspectors and other employees back to work, while the Internal Revenue Service released a plan to have 46,000 of its 80,000 employees on the job for tax-filing season, up from about 10,000.

Impeachment? Not going to happen and here is why:

It's really quite simple,  no evidence,  no impeachment trial   . . . . .    period.  The evidence has to be unique to this presidency not to mention "hard evidence" of the crimes charged to the President.   And the evidence has to have widespread,  bi-partisan appeal.  Trump will not be found "guilty" of high crimes and misdemeanors without bi-partisan support.  Ain't going to happen.  

There is nothing worse for the Dems,  in an election year,  than to trump up an "impeachment" effort that, in the end,  fails in the above mentioned three categories.  As things stand,  now,  this is the plight of the "prosecution."   

You might ask,  "What about treason or collusion,  or fiscal malfeasance?"  Answer:  During the trial,  these cannot be determined as the result of debate.  The charge of "high crimes" must be supported by an evidence package that is considered a "smoking gun" establishing undeniable guilt that is (a) obvious to all  and (b)  and above partisan bickering . . . . .   alla Richard Nixon.  

Bill Clinton suffered through a trial that produced a misdemeanor  at best,  and, nothing more.  It was a massive waste of time,  and Clinton may have won re-election because of the failure.    

So,  as things stand today,  unless Mueller cites hard evidence of high crimes,  there will be no impeachment,  and,  Trump will use this reality to win re-election.  Take it to the bank.  

No one cares about this story. Oh, and they forgot to mention that Trump is working for nothing as President of the United States and has lost 3/4 of a billion dollars while serving as the President.

New York Times:
At Trump's Inauguration, $10,000 for Makeup and Lots of Room Service  —  WASHINGTON — Private donors put up $107 million to usher Donald J. Trump into office in style two years ago, and it is now clear just how enthusiastically his inaugural committee went to town with it.
Editor:  First off,  so what?  Secondly,  Barack and company wasted twice as much on the same type of functions,  so stop with the hypocricy, already.    

They have run out of ammunition so they dredge up anopther aging "news" story.

New York Times:
Trump Discussed Pulling U.S. From NATO, Aides Say Amid New Concerns Over Russia  —  WASHINGTON — There are few things that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia desires more than the weakening of NATO, the military alliance among the United States, Europe and Canada that has deterred Soviet and Russian aggression for 70 years.
 Current and former officials who support the alliance said they feared Mr. Trump could return to his threat as allied military
In the days around a tumultuous NATO summit meeting last summer, they said, Mr. Trump told his top national security officials that he did not see the point of the military alliance, which he presented as a drain on the United States.

Editor: this was nearly seven months ago,  an old "news" story that is meaningless in view of the fact that nothing of the kind has been discussed in the public arena  . . . . .   nothing.   Just another "scare tactic" hadline from our Globalist Media and nothing more. 

ICE is safe. No action against ICE will be taken in the Deocrat House.

C-SPAN’s Newsmakers on Sunday, House Homeland
“Will you bring an abolish ICE bill through your committee?” the Washington Times’ Stephen Dinan asked Rep. Thompson.

“No,” he replied.

Security Committee Chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) said he would not bring any bill to Abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) through his committee.

Editor: Proving that not all Democrat Black congressmen are ultra reactionaries.  There are none on the Right,  maybe only one on the Left.  Time will tell.  It would be nice if I was wrong.

Quote of the month

Comedian: ‘You Can’t Even Call a Moron, a Moron Anymore; You Have to Call Them Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’

Why this data-based investigation by the FBI when we know that FBI Director Rosenstein wrote the recommendation to fire Comey?

Revealed: Rep. Ratcliffe Uncovered Secret FBI Debate Over Trump Motivation For Comey Firing During House Interview with James Baker

Rep. John Ratcliffe

Congressman John Ratcliffe (R-TX) discovered the FBI had secretly debated Trump’s motivation to fire Comey which ultimately led to a counterintel probe into whether the President was working on behalf of Russia during his closed-door interview with former FBI agent James Baker.

Why did the FBI believe President Trump was a national security threat and ‘possibly working on behalf of Russia’ when he fired FBI Director James Comey? — Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was the one who wrote the memo recommending Trump fire Comey over his handling of the Hillary email investigation.
Furthermore, James Comey said in a December 2018 testimony to House Republicans there was no evidence Trump colluded with Russia by the time he was fired: “In fact, when I was fired as director, I still didn’t know whether there was anything to it.”

Not sure what this proves, but maybe, just maybe, Tom Arnold's mouth will get what it deserves.

Tom Arnold Challenges Mike Cernovich to Charity Boxing Match – Cernovich Accepts
 Tom Arnold angrily tweeted to Cernovich on Sunday, “I will destroy you. Time & place, Cernovich and don’t pretend you didn’t back out last time. Nazi lover Jesse James offer to sub for you when you two pals were on Infowars but he chickened out too. It’s 2019. Trump is toast. All is forgiven. Let’s do this little man.”

Cernovich wrote in a blog post that Tom Arnold “has never trained and is too old for such nonsense,” but for charity he will agree to the boxing match.
Mike Cernovich proposed the fight take place on March 1st in Washington D.C., because 10,000 additional people will be in town for CPAC.
“Tom Arnold will start a GoFundMe to raise money for a veteran’s charity. I trust him to partner with a great cause and keep track of the donations.”
“We’ll both sell tickets, with all proceeds going to charity,” Mike Cernovich said in a blog post Sunday.

Deep State? Oh, you betcha . . . . since before 2014.

On Friday The New York Times published the latest Deep State leak that the FBI investigated US President Trump after he fired crooked Director James Comey.The liberal media wants you to believe this is a game-changer in the antiTrump deep state witch hunt.

It’s not.
And it should not be news for anyone who has been paying attention.
Barack Obama was spying on everyone — Maxine Waters admitted it.

Back in 2014 Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) told Roland Martin in a February interview,

Waters: “Obama has put in place the kind of database… will have everything on every individual.”

Before It’s News has the transcript:

“The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life,” Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday.
“That’s going to be very, very powerful,” Waters said. “That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it’s never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that. They’re going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they can’t get around it. And he’s [President Obama] been very smart. It’s very powerful what he’s leaving in place.”

CNN not only censors individual political apeech, it now censor's its affliliate stations.

WOW! CNN Defends Decision to Exclude Local Station’s Honest Report on Benefits of a Border Wall from Their Channel!

Turns out the White House is taking Graham's advice and working on plans to call an emergency at the border.

BREAKING: Senate Judiciary Chair Lindsey Graham Calls on Trump to Use Emergency Powers to Fund Border Wall



Barack was a bigger friend to ISIS than you can imagine, giving them millions of dollars worth of military equipment as he pulled out of Iraq.

New York Times: U.S. Equipment, but Not Troops, Begins Exiting Syria in Chaotic Withdrawal

Understand that when Barack pulled out of Iraq,  he left ALL our military equipment behind,  effectively giving ISIS a huge advantage.  Was this a part of a plan by our wannabe Muslim President?  Of course, it was.  It certainly wasn't by "accident.'  

So much about caring for the little man, right Cortez?

Kenneth Lovett / New York Daily News: Ocasio-Cortez's campaign fined by state for failing to carry workers' comp coverage

You should know that the Dems are in a state of kaoswith no end in site. LOL.

Heather Caygle / Politico:
Exasperated Democrats try to rein in Ocasio-Cortez  —  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is already making enemies in the House Democratic Caucus — and some of its members are mounting an operation to bring the anti-establishment, democratic socialist with 2.2 million Twitter followers into the fold.

Here is a solution that the Dems cannot touch. Life moves on and the DemWittedOnes lose another battle.

NBC News: Trump could take billions from disaster areas to fund wall     

President Donald Trump has been briefed on a plan that would use the Army Corps of Engineers and a portion of $13.9 billion of Army Corps funding to build 315 miles of barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border, according to three U.S. officials familiar with the briefing.
The money was set aside to fund projects all over the country including storm-damaged areas of Puerto Rico through fiscal year 2020, but the checks have not been written yet and, under an emergency declaration, the president could take the money from these civil works projects and use it to build the border wall, said officials familiar with the briefing and two congressional sources.
The plan could be implemented if Trump declares a national emergency in order to build the wall and would use more money and build more miles than the administration has requested from Congress.

Rosenstein finally decides to call it "quits." Maybe he could take Ginsburg with him. But she will not make it to the end of the year, if we are lucky, anyway.

Allan Smith / NBC News:
Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller's probe, plans to leave the Justice Department after new attorney general confirmed  —  Rosenstein is not being forced out by President Donald Trump, an administration official told NBC News.  —  Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein plans to leave …

500,000 folks go to work in the manufacturing sector, and BOOM, the national average income goes up by 3k.

The US is enjoying an average GDP growth rate near or above 3%.
In comparison, a high-taxed state like France only sees growth at .3%.

Trump took the economy and accelerated it on all levels. And now all Americans are seeing the benefits of a booming Trump economy.
Kevin Hassett,  the Council of Economic Advisers Chairman, told Lou under Trump there have now been 500,000 manufacturing jobs created, something failed president Barack Obama said was impossible. And the added surprise relative to the GDP is the president has delivered $3,100 per household to gross domestic income.

Editor:  no,  many of us did not see an increase in our income.  So how is it that incomes have increased?  I have a friend who has been out of work for maybe three months.  He finally landed a $70,000 job.  My income remained the same.  His increased by 70,000 and the national income average shot up.  That is how averages work.   

"3,100" comes from the Council of Economic Advisers, not Gateway Pundit. It is an "average" and, as such, is not saying that each and every American family has seen an increase of $3,100. Rather, when you add in the total incomes of 5 million new jobs filled during the Trump years to the existing total, you have an increase in the average annual income marker of $3,100. Under Obama, jobs "created or saved" could not make such a claim because, for the most part, Barack was counting jobs already earning an income (i.e. "jobs saved") and more than 40% of his new jobs numbers were part-time positions. He lost 600,000 real manufacturing jobs. Consequently, his numbers went down.

So, why not tell us something that we don't already know?

HARD DATA: Illegal Aliens Are 163% More Likely to Be Convicted of First Degree Murder than US Citizens in Arizona

Another bleeding-heart cop bites the dust. Thank gawd there aren't very many "Scott Isreals" running around pretending they know what they are doing.

BREAKING: Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel to be Suspended Over Parkland Shooting Response

Obviously, this clown of a woman is not trying to change opinions.

MI Democrat Lawmaker Defends Her Vulgar Attack Against “MotherF**ker” President Trump

Take it to the bank,  Conservative women never talk this way   . . .  they don't have to,  but when one's vocabulary is limited,  I guess some feel that they have no choice.  I mean,  it is the age of the transgender female,  why not a woman who talks like a sailor?  

Well, this is a good thing:

GoFundMe Removes Medellin Drug Cartel Linked Fundraiser To Impeach President Trump

Even the middleclass is doing well and this wellness challenges corporate profits due to tax reform . . . . just wait until the new tax season for another grand surprise.

HUGE! President Trump’s Policies Have Added $3,100 per Household in Gross Annual Income — In Only 2 Years 


When you multipy $3,100 by the thusands of middle class families out there in Realville,  you have a total reward to the Middle Class that challenges any profit to the Corporate World after dividends,  inventory expences,  and wage increases. 

So stop talking about "crumbs" when the Middle Class is made up of millions of folks who divide tax refund profits compared to the corporate world and its population.  


Trump to address the nation on the border issue - Tuesday.

President Donald Trump will address the nation on Tuesday about the scourge of illegal immigration into the U.S. as the partial government shutdown enters its third week.
Trump’s plea to the nation, which he says will address the “Humanitarian and National Security crisis on our Southern border,” comes as Democrats refuse to give the president any money for a proposed border wall.

 An open border means thousands of victims per year directly the result of open border policies: i.e.  the rape of minor children (girls and boys),  sex trafficking girls/women for prostitution in the U.S., drugs and the use of forced "mules," outright murder of many who sign-up for the trip;  hundreds of deaths in the deserts during the effort to cross the borders  illegally, and millions of dollars charged for the services of the illegal cartels involved in border crossings.  

Understand that the DemWittedOnes will say they care,  but,  in the end,  they do nothing about this comprehensive problem.  For them,  this is a "wedge issue" used to improve their chances of winning the next election.  They are as guilty as those who actually victimize the Mexicans hoping for a better life. 

Now they are going to purview all the years Trump has been in business looking for money laundering with the Russians.

Truth?  They have already decided he is guilty just like he is guilty of Collusion,  just like he is a secret Russian agent,  just like he came to D.C.  as the head of a large and illegal cabal subservient to  Russian association.  

Question:  Since when is it the work of Congress to investigate the private 40 year financial life of anyone?  The DemWittedOnes will argue,  "But he is the president."  Still,  when was the last time a sitting president's past life was ever investigated for criminality unrelated to the presidency?  

Answer:  It has never happen.

Conclusion:  This is not about protecting the nation,  or they would have thrown Hillary in jail.  This is not about protecting the nation or there would be an existing precident for this kind of crap.   

Don't look to this blog for coverage on this nonsense.  If I was going to cover all the lying frame jobs in politics,  I would not have time to do anything else,  so no coverage on this.  Look to this blog for the continuing accomplishments of Trump and election politics.  
Now,  back to the playoffs.  

Jobs creation report: Trump versus Obama . . . . not even close

TRUMP vs. OBAMA: In First Two Years in Office Trump Adds 9 MILLION More Jobs Than Obama

 click on image to enlarge 

We were hoping for 184,000 new jobs created in December. Instead, we got 312,000. THANK YOU DONALD TRUMP

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday that non-farm payrolls rose to 312,000 in December, surging past expectations of 184,000. The BLS also upwardly revised its figure for non-farm payroll additions in November to 176,000, from 155,000 previously reported.
The unemployment rate rose to 3.9% in December. The unemployment rate was 3.7% in November, the lowest overall unemployment level since 1969. The uptick was due to the labor force participation rate increasing to 63.1% in December from 62.9% in November.
Average hourly earnings – a closely watched metric of inflation pressures in the economy – increased 0.4% over last month and 3.2% over the previous year. This exceeded expectations of wage growth of 0.3% over last month and 3% over last year. Wages rose 3.1% over the prior year in both November and October.

Here is the reason why Nancy and Chuck and Cortez and Sanders are working for a borderless United States and must never be allowed to make their point a reality:

The concept of world citizenship is a direct result of the contraction of the world into a single neighborhood through scientific advances and of the indisputable interdependence of nations. Love of all the world’s peoples does not exclude love of one’s country. The advantage of the part in a world society is best served by promoting the advantage of the whole. – The Universal House of Justice, The Promise of World Peace, p. 3. 

Couple this serious threat to the sovereignty of our nation with the recent statements of the German Leadership,  urging the leadership of each nation to renounce national sovereignty and work for a one world system,  and you know exactly where the Democrat Party is headed.  This goes far beyond "socialism"  and is a threat to all things near and dear to a Constitutional representative democracy.  Globalism is the very opposite of "democracy"  and its implementation,  should that ever happen,  would make representative democracies impossible. 

Surprise, surprise. Johnson is a black activist. Did you know that his relatives in Africa may have been the first slave traders? We do know that black Africans were the first slave traders as a matter of fact.

Disgusting! Democrat Doubles Down – Compares Trump and His Supporters to Hitler and Nazis 

If we are part of the new Hitler movement,  Johnson is part of the new black slave trader movement along with his ancestry. 

McConnell dishes out a little bit of reality to Nancy Pelosi.

McConnell Thumps Pelosi: The Senate Will Not Waste Its Time Considering a Democrat Bill Which the President Won’t Sign

I recomend this article explaining why Mitt "Wannabe McCain" Romney is ancient history.

Mitt Romney’s op-ed crystallizes all the reasons the old GOP establishment has been pushed aside

They came to the meeting only to talk about their borderless bill. and walked out when the facts about the border crisis began to be presented to the media.

They Just Don’t Care–> Democrat Leaders WOULD NOT EVEN LISTEN to Border Security Briefing at WH Meeting

The White House official told TheDC that both Pelosi and Schumer refused to hear out Nielsen’s briefing and instead advocated for two solutions to end the government shutdown. Neither of the Democratic options would provide the additional funding for border security requested by The White House.
“Democrats in the room either don’t care that there is a humanitarian crisis on the border or just prefer ignorance. It was incredibly disheartening that they don’t want to know the facts when making policy,” DHS Spokeswoman Katie Waldman said in a statement to TheDC.
Representatives for Pelosi and Schumer did not respond to requests for comment.

Another huge development in coal mining dergulation. It is deregulation that infuriates the Globalist Progressives who care more about saving the world than your pocketbook

 Another example of the Trump government caring for the working/middle class patron when it comes to heating his/her home.  You really need to read and understand the article found here at CNS News.  

And except for the CNS article: 

Critics also claim the proposal would exacerbate climate change because the proposed CO2 standards are less stringent than the Obama standards. That complaint conflicts with the first one because the potential number of new U.S. coal power plants that might be built under the revised standards is too small to significantly increase U.S. emissions or have any detectable climatic effects.
What both criticisms overlook is that hundreds of new coal power plants are being built overseas, especially in Asia. Access to efficient U.S. coal technology might help limit developing countries’ emissions. More importantly, if U.S. firms are free to compete in the global marketplace for advanced coal

Rand Paul nails it when criticiszing Mitt Romney's article against Trump. It's not what he says, it is what he does that pleases the conservative nation.

In response to the published criticism of Trump by Saint Romney,  Rand Paul came out swinging against Romney, comparing him to Republicans who attacked Reagan when it was popular. “Like other Big Government Republicans who never liked Reagan, Mitt Romney wants to signal how virtuous he is in comparison to the President,” Paul tweeted, “Well, I’m most concerned and pleased with the actual conservative reform agenda @realDonaldTrump has achieved.”

Note :  if you missed it,  here is Romney's artcle in the 
Washington Post.

Based on Trump's past performance (since 2016), Jerry Falwell Jr. is spot on.

Before reading the following,  keep in mind that the typical Democrate Progressive is sickened by the idea of accepting Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.  In 2012,  at the DNC,  the attendees voted three times to take "God" out of the platform,  but leadership would not allow it for obvious reasons   ~  editor. 

Joe Heim / Washington Post:
Jerry Falwell Jr. can't imagine Trump 'doing anything that's not good for the country'  —  He lives with his wife, Becki, in Bedford County, Va.  —  You said recently that conservatives and Christians should stop electing nice guys.  Aren't Christians supposed to be nice guys?  —  Of course, of course.   
But that’s where people get confused. I almost laugh out loud when I hear Democrats saying things like, “Jesus said suffer the little children to come unto me” and try to use that as the reason we should open up our borders.
It’s such a distortion of the teachings of Jesus to say that

Our choice, Mitt, is a do-nothing politician(s) with good character or someone like Trump who has already done the work of 10 Mitt Romney's? Easy decision for me.

Mitt Romney / Washington Post:
The president shapes the public character of the nation.  Trump's character falls short.  —  Mitt Romney, a Republican from Utah and the party's 2012 nominee for president, will be sworn into the U.S. Senate on Thursday.  —  The Trump presidency made a deep descent in December.
Editor:  Romney is coming to DC as an expressed enemy of Donald Trump,  and consequently,  his conservative agenda.  Keep in mind that Mitt Romney's major accomplishment was to lose a very winable election to our Wannabe Muslim President blowhard.  Most people do not know that Barack won with 3.5 million fewer votes than he got in 2008,  Romney lost with 1 million more votes than the Status, John McCain, but them are the facts.