Richmond City Official, Cynthia Carr, decides to use her position to punish TEA Party for asking . . . . .

Occupy Squatters in Richmond camping without permits (Left) versus a one day demonstration of TEA Party participants on the Right who paid good money for the right to assemble.

After complaining about being charged for permits when Occupy was not, the City of Richmond and a Leftist babe named Cynthia Carr, issued audit papers. . . . . . to the Richmond T.E.A. Party and threatened legal action if the audit demands were ignored. Conversely, she has issued no such requirement to Occupy, nor has she enlisted permit fees from Occupy Richmond.

Here is the letter demanding compliance, complete with the Officials name and city phone number. Read to the end of this article for suggestions as to how to deal with this issue.

Click on "Read more" for the remainder of the article . . . . . . .

Continue reading here . . . . . . . . . . Two things come to mind: first, you are among the nation's "most uninformed" if you think there are any serious comparisons between the structured chaos of the Occupy "movement" and the T.E.A. Party "Let's get things done" movement, beginning with the comparative size of each movement. Occupy has never had more than 20,000 children assembled, nationwide, while the T.E.A. movement had millions. The pictures above are evidence of this fact. Understand that when NBC News tells us that Occupy is "now a world wide movement," it is forgetting to mention that Occupy is in only 23 nations, "world wide," and only four of those countries have an Occupy movement that is larger than 300 people.

Secondly, while Colin Powell was busy over the past weekend, running his mouth against the T.E.A. party and the need for more and more "compromise," others think that he should have been talking about the socialist inspired idiocy of Occupy and its endorsement by the Obama Left. Understand that Occupy is about tearing down this nation and nothing more. Its "members" do not want change that comes through the legal and Constitutional process, they want to ignore the Constitution and start all over again. That is exactly what Obama is demonstrating in this summary statement, "I, Barack Hussein Obama, no longer have time to wait for the legal and legislative process. I must act on my own to redirect this country in the way it should go." In fact, much of that last statement are words he has actually spoken and all of that last statement represent his intent. But folks like Colin Powell are so busy talking that they have no time to listen.

In a recent article in Midknight Review outlining 16 broad based areas of compromise, I layout the case for compromise and the historical fact that, over the years, compromise has done nothing, absolutely nothing, but move this nation further and further away from the Founder's sense of values and more to a One World, socialist form of governance. That is what Colin Powell apparently wants, because that is the end game of national and political compromise. We have history to prove the point and only morons arguing otherwise.

Understand that a rhetorical defense of Occupy combined with existential criticisms of the TEA movement, ala General Powell and others, represent the sum total of what is wrong with this country. I am 66 and have believed that we all agreed on the rules for change. I never, ever, thought there would be national leaders and a president who would seek change via these words, "No, I am simply going to ignore the law and move forward. " Never thought that would happen. Obama has spent the passed three years doing just that.

"I have not the time to waste waiting for Congress to act."

"In the case of the Defense of Marriage Act, a federal law, I have decided not to enforce that law. I will ignore it."

"In the case of illegal 'sanctuary cities,' I have decided to join George Bush and ignore the law, in this case. These cities have my permission to continue their unConstitutional practices."

"In the case of border security, I have decided to ignore Federal law and move away from that assignment."

In the words of the first lady, MICHELLE OBAMA: "Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."

Powell is nothing but a Leftist stooge, who knows nothing of the national intent of the New Left; he and the Cynthia Carrs of the world are the larger problem . . . . . traitors to Constitutional process, all.

Update: before making any calls, you will want to read this article at Glenn Beck's, The Blaze. Understand that while there is some confusion as to whether the TEA is compliant, it does appear that it is. Also, there is no reason to believe that the city is forcing "compliance" with regard to Occupy. In fact, the local paper reports that $7,000 worth of assistance has been given to the anarchists identified as Occupy. Be polite when you call. Let them know that you are following the story, and expect the city to treat the TEA Party in the same manner as it does Occupy. The phone call, itself, is pressure, and the suggested phone text does not require that you fully understand all the facts of this situation. ----- J Smithson, editor.

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