Finally - an attempt to increase the absurdly engrossed powers of the presidency has been defeated

By rite of the leadership of House Republicans, the Federal government is finally working on a budget for fiscal year 2012. Remember that the Democrat controlled congress felt no need to create a budget for fiscal 2010 and 2011. Fiscal 2009 was the last business year in the Bush Administration and, of course, there was a budget proposal in place.

But under the Pelois/Reid/Obama leadership, no thought was given to annualized budget statements. Remember all that fighting we had? That was because we had no budget. As a consequence, the government was financed via temporary spending authorizations called "continuing resolutions." Rather than have two battles over budgetary matters for fiscal years 2010 and 2011, the Dems decided it better that we have 10 such battles over the course of the two years. Suddenly, it appeared that the political divide had deepened, that the Constitutional process no longer worked. Having 10 financial battles instead of two, for the first time in American history, will give the appearance of a grossly divided government.

Anyway, the House has passed their version of a budget for the first time in three years. It is in the hands of the Senate. And a very important part of that budget proposal, a military defense spending bill, was passed by the Senate, today, giving the military "first crack" as terrorists captured on US lands. Obama wanted this to be his responsibility, alone, and wanted these captives treated as if they were mere criminals . . . . civil court jurisdiction rather than military. The vote was 61 to 37. The vote defied an Obama threat to veto. 16 Senate Democrats voted for the bill along with 44 Republicans and 1 Independent. Next stop, Obama's desk.

Update: understand that this is a bad piece of legislation. It allows Americans to be "detained" indefinitely and without legal cause or warrants. Obama wants that power for the presidency, especially important to a Marxist determined to restructure America. John McCain and the near-communist, Carl Levin, have joined to give this power to the military. We alerted our readers yesterday in this article, before the vote, as to this bills purpose. Understand that it was written in secret, and proves the Big Government intentions of John McCain. He is an absolute disgrace as to leadership within the Republican Party.

Over time, 1484 bills have been vetoed by our presidents. Only 106 vetoes have been overridden by Congress.

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