Powell bashes the TEA Party and pretends that conservatives do not believe in compromise.

In this brief, I give 16 reasons/examples why conservatives are tired of being the only ones who compromise on major policy issues. The time for reciprocal concessions has come. That is what is going on in the political arena. We are now demanding that Liberals concede on some of their agenda, as well. They are angry about this and are refusing to do what they have required of others for decades.

Over the weekend, General Colin Powell made quite a stir on network news, whining about the TEA Party and complaining about the fact that it - the TEA Party - has decided to take a stand on a few important issues. To hear him talk, TEA Party folks are not willing to compromise on anything. Somehow, he believes that this country came into being based on compromise, that the Founding Fathers, themselves, set the tone and path to political compatibility and national unity, that there were no issues upon which compromise was deemed "a non-starter." Guess he forgot about the Revolutionary Freaking War !!!

The fact of the matter is this: the Founding Fathers saw the need for reciprocal concessions, no mere "compromise." Understand that "reciprocal" is a four syllable word, and may be somewhat beyond the General's capacity, for that reason. He believes that ideology is a dirty word, ignoring the fact that the Left is driving this nation into the ground with its uncompromising ideology. He completely ignores the fact that the GOP primary process, itself, is all about compromise. A pure TEA Party type will not be our next presidential nominee; that is fairly obvious. The TEA Party, in the end, will support the GOP nominee. Intelligent people call this "compromise."

My framework of political reference is my lifetime. I have been an "adult" for 48 of my 66 years. Here is how "compromise" has worked in my lifetime, the General's idiot complaint not withstanding.

48 years ago (1963), this was our national circumstance:

1. Our school districts were autonomous, under local control; there was no left leaning Department of Education with both its content and centralized federal controls over our children. Compromise gave us this change.

2. Roe v Wade had not been validated by the Supreme Court and late term abortions were only dreams of ex-oven masters in the Nazi army. Compromise gave us this change.

3. There was no ATF with its policy of selling guns to Mexican mafia. Compromise gave us this.

4. There was no talk of "open borders." Today an entire political party is pushing for a borderless country. Compromise gave us this.

5. Our daughters were not secretly taken to abortion mills by members of our public schools. Compromise gave us this change. . . . . . .

Continue reading here:

6. We had no such law: Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA), 18 U.S.C. Chapter 44 National Firearms Act (NFA), 26 U.S.C. Chapter 53 Arms Export Control Act (AECA), 22 U.S.C. 2778 giving the President the authority to control imports and exports of "defense articles," including firearms and ammunition, in furtherance of world peace and the security and foreign policy of the United States. . . . to be used at a later date. Compromise gave us this law.

7. The practice of "czars" within an administration, while invented by the socialist, FDR, was given a whole new "life" under George Bush (with a record, at the time, of 16 czars). Barack Obama, with his 50+ czars, is the first to give a czar, binding authority over private citizens with his use of the pay czar. Compromise has given us this crap.

8. There was no EPA. Today, this agency is enforcing dust control laws against farmers and cap/trade laws against industry. Apparently, congress is powerless to prevent this intervention, at this time. Freaking compromise gave us this change.

9. There was no such thing as a "sanctuary city." Such was invented by the Woodstock generation of leaders we have in power, today. San Francisco was the first such city (1989). While these cities grew in number under Clinton, George Bush allowed their numbers to explode and Obama encourages their continued growth and existence. Compromise give us this, the first fruits of structured, anti-Constitutional, governance.

10. Beginning with Obama, when a president is faced with a subpoena , he simply says "no.," as was the case with Obama in his response to an official and binding request for information by the Oversight Committee in the House. There was no appeal to "executive privilege." Obama's response was simply, "I don't like the way it was written and I am going to ignore it." No president has ever done this before. Colin Powell's, doctrine of compromise has given us this.

11. The use of marijuana was totally unacceptable. Today, that is simply not the case. Heck, our own president has used and traded cocaine. Compromise gave us this change in attitude.

12. Full blown, uncensored, porn was nowhere to be found. Today, it is a part of everyday life, freely marketed on the internet, with an emphasis on the "free" part. Colin Powell's compromise has given us this.

13. Presidential use of the National Labor Relations Board to support or confirm union causes was not the case, back in 1963. Today, one of the NLRB's three "directors" is a SEIU representative. The NLRB now decides where unionized employers can set up manufacturing plants, what they will be forced to pay in terms of salaries and benefits, and which states they can expanded into. Compromise has given us bit of Socialist/Nazi type nationalized rule.

14. The move against the Christian God is an ongoing circumstance. The first ban against prayer was in 1962. A second landmark decision against prayer was made in 1963. Things have gone downhill from there. Compromise has given us this increasing trend.

15. There were public debates on moral issues (Pepperdine v Playboy) and evolution. Today, no such public presentations can be found. Compromise has played a dynamic role in this circumstance.

16. The overwhelming acceptance of the most promiscuous of sexual activities (outside of bestiality and man/child love) , gay "love," is now a systemic aspect of our society. The notion that someone could "change his sex" by simply playing "dress up" was not a consideration. Blow-up sex dolls were nowhere to be found - men making love to human look-alike balloons was a manifest joke. And compromise, ala Colin Powell, has played a major role in this cultural change.

Point of post: I could go on and on. The notion that conservative folks are anti-compromise, is what I call "stupid wrong." It is not a failure in compromise that is the problem. It is a failure in reciprocal compromise that is the issue. After 48 years, it is time for the Marxist/Liberal, Colin Powell types to "go thou and do likewise" as relates to compromise.

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