With Trump its 24/7 on restructuring the GOP, making it viable in this changing world of politics.

(CNSNews.com) -- President Donald J. Trump recently nominated the openly gay lawyer Patrick J. Bumatay (40 y.o.) to serve as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Curcuit, historically a liberal legal redoubt. The Ninth Circuit covers federal appeals for Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon and a few other districts.  


  1. Trump implicated - Conspiracy against the United States:

    1. Once again, there is no case against Trump for either Collusion or obstruction. He cannot, CANNOT, be indicted/prosecuted for exercising his delegated authority/rights. As an example, Trump can fire Comey for any reason or no reason at all, period. His campaign could/can do opposition research from any source , , , Hillary did it, so can Trump or any other candidate. They all do. You have nothing. There is no such thing as conspiracy against the United States as relates to Trump.

  2. Trump won't finish his term. Justice is coming.

    1. Of course he will finish his first term and probably his second term, especially if Maxine or Avenatti or Hillary
