The WalkAwayCampaign is picking up speed. Black Millennials are asking," What have the Democrats done for us, lately?" Answer: Next to nothing.

Stacy Dash was one of thousands over the weekend to declare their independence from the Democrat Party in the first #WalkAway Campaign march. The WalkAway Campaign was launched earlier this year by Brandon Straka, an openly gay man and former liberal who walked away from the Democrat Party because he felt liberalism embodied hatred, discrimination, groupthink, censorship, and junk science –things to which he was opposed.

“Who do you think you are? I was called a black white supremacist by Chelsea Handler. So what you’re saying is that in order to have an independent thought, I have to white and Democratic? No, excuse me. I didn’t mean Democratic, ‘cause they’re not Democratic. They’re Democrats. Okay, no. That’s not it. That’s not tolerance, and that’s what we have to be. We have to be tolerant,” Dash said.


  1. No liberal I know has ever heard of it {the WalkAwayMovement],

    1. That's because besides being classless, you are also uninformed.


  2. Anonymous wrote:
    Is that why you delete my corroborating evidence... like an ignorant coward?

    Problem: Your site address is nothing more than a Democrat propaganda site. Your feminist behavioral "scientist" has only prove her willingness to read and write. There is no grass roots movement tying Trump to Russian collusion. Has Mueller hired . . . . ah . . . . she forgot to give her last name. And the "Arc" is nothing more than a group of radical know-it-all millennials. THATs why I did not include the reference as "evidence" . Just so you know, I accept nothing as "evidence" from Arc, Axious, the Daily Beast, CNN or MSNBC/NBC . . . . so stop wasting my time pretending you care about the truth. Now who is the ignorant punk?
