Notes about the undeniable increases in Black Opinion for Trump:

Editorial:  Understand that the Dems cannot win another national election when 20% or more of the Black community is siding with our President.  And that is the case as I write this editorial.   While you read the following,  know this:  you are reading about the end of an age;  specifically,  the end of Progressive Tyranny in this country as an unopposed political movement and a feeding ground against traditional American values.  After 40 years or more,  of being called every name in the book,  and treated like their rate citizens,  we are tired of it and are not going to lay down for these "enemies of the state" another day.  That is what this  blog is all about.  Its called "pay back."  We  (I, the editor) use their playbook,  their rhetorical strategies,  and their over reaching intentions back on them,  and the babies on the Left  don't like it. 

African Americans Siding With Trump
A new Rasmussen poll shows that Trump has 36% approval among African American voters, making it nearly double the 19% of support he had last year.
Of course, CNN would have you believe . . .  
. . . .  the exact opposite.
CNN and other “mainstream” news networks have used every opportunity possible to spread every lie imaginable to make it appear that Trump is bad for the African American community.
But the numbers don’t lie—Trump has achieved success among minorities.
The African American unemployment rate is at its lowest in history.
According to the Minority 2018 Small Business Trends Survey, the number of black-owned small businesses increased by a whopping 400% between 2017 and 2018.

Source for the above text:  Great American Daily, here.  


  1. Any gains in the blacks will be offset by huge gains by Dems in women and the under 30 vote, plus voter enthusiasm. Your only hope is Russian hackers. There has never been such a large gender gap in American politics. Women will save America. Trump won't serve his term.

    1. the GOP will hold the Senate, killing any chance of a successful impeachment trial. The House will flip, but with a very small majority, preventing it from getting anything done . . . . as per usual for a Democrat majority.
