Incredibly, Capitol Police are harassing Tea Party: Show Us Your Websites or Forget Your Rally

In applying for a permit on Capitol grounds,  we have this exchange with "authorities,"  Can you believe that this harassment is taking place now,  as we read of all the nonsense taking place against teaparty groups?  These folks are into the process for 5 weeks, now with no approval.   

June, 4 2013: Jerry Bell contacted me to inquire about the permit.
Questions asked:
** Is the purpose of your event to promote government accountability?
My answer was yes. This was also indicated on the application
** Have you ever had an event on Capitol grounds before? If so, when was the last one?
My answer was yes and March of 2012.
** Have you ever had any opposition to your cause show up at these events in the past?
My answer – possibly. If there was any opposition it was a small amount. Nothing ever escalated beyond civil conversation.
** Do you know of any opposition that will be at your June 19th event?
My answer – not at this time because we haven’t publicized the event yet because we wanted to make sure we secured the permit first.
** Have you invited any members of Congress to the June 19th event?
My answer – I have informed some Members of Congress, but official invites have not been extended because we are waiting for approval of the permit.
** Does your organization have any social media sites like Twitter or Instagram? I know that you have a Facebook page.
My response – yes we do, but I’m not sure why this is relevant to the application.

Read the full story at Gateway

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