In the aftermath of the Newtown, Conn., school shootings,
and as Vice President Joe Biden leads a federal task force that will recommend
ways to curb gun violence in the U.S., 38% of Americans are dissatisfied with
the nation’s gun laws and want them strengthened. This is up from 25% who held
this set of views a year ago, and is the highest since 2001. Still, more
Americans are either satisfied with current gun laws, 43%, or think they should
be loosened, 5%.
These findings are based on two questions in Gallup’s annual
Mood of the Nation survey, conducted Jan. 7-10. The first asks respondents if
they are satisfied or dissatisfied with the nation’s laws or policies on guns.
Those saying they are dissatisfied are asked a follow-up question to determine
whether they think the laws should be made more strict, made less strict, or
kept as they are. As a result, the 38% who are dissatisfied and want stricter
gun laws indicates not only a preference for stricter gun laws but a certain
amount of intensity of feeling on the subject. (Source: Gallup).
Editor's notes: understand that American's remain satisfied with where they are with current gun laws, in spite of the fact that this number has decreased somewhat, over the past month. In plain language, 48 % of Americans are "satisfied" while 38% are not. Clearly, there is no mandate for what is about come out of the White House.
Personally, this editor (that would be me) does not think that the hoped for ban of ammo and guns will amount to much. 80 million Americans own guns, and 99% of them are voters who are [obviously] satisfied with their position on guns. This is not a winning issue at election time - and most on the Democrat side already know this.
Hopefully, the GOP will lead the way to reasonable solutions as to gun violence. Violating the US Constitution is not one of those solutions, however.
Smithson cherry picks one poll and is ... as usual ... on the wrong side of history.
AP-GfK Poll conducted by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Corporate Communications. Jan. 10-14, 2013. N=1,004 adults
"Should gun laws in the United States be made more strict, less strict or remain as they are?"
58% - more strict
35% - remain as they are
ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Jan. 10-13, 2013. N=1,001 adults nationwide.
"Would you support or oppose a law requiring a nationwide ban on high-capacity ammunition clips, meaning those containing more than 10 bullets?"
65% - support
32% - oppose
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the leadership of the National Rifle Association?"
44% - unfavorable
36% - favorable
Pew Research Center. Jan. 9-13, 2013. N=1,502 adults nationwide.
- would favor or oppose the following proposals about gun policy:
"A ban on semi-automatic weapons"
58% - favor
39% - oppose
USA Today/Gallup Poll. Dec. 19-22, 2012. N=1,038 adults nationwide.
"In general, do you feel that the laws covering the sale of firearms should be made more strict, less strict, or kept as they are now?"
58% - more strict
34% - kept as they are
Quoting "Gallup" is hardly "cherry picking. Quoting from Progressive, Left wing polls is as phony a tactic as is possible. USA Today, PEW, ABC/Washington Post and AP are all . . . . . without exception . . . . as Wacko Left as you can get.
ReplyDeleteWhat about the 80 million gun owners in this country? They don't count?? What about record attendance at gun shows and the 60,000 folks coming to the Vegas show? You don't think that qualifies as a show of strength favoring gun ownership?
"Stupdid" has long taken over the Left Wing's mental procresses. This latest political fight is no exception. Think about it: Bill kills Sally in Delaware and Sambo the Moron wants to take my guns away, in California. How nuts is that ?!!
Thats exactly what you said about Nate Silver. Gallup FAILED MISERABLY in the last election, and SIlver was conservative in his prediction.
ReplyDeleteThey're all crazy but you, right Smithson?
You're becoming more isolated and fringe than you can possibly see. The tea party is dead save for a tiny percentage of white bigots like yourself that live in fear clutching their guns.