Debate Aftermath: Obama's own party members were screaming, "Why did he not mention that 47 percent video we have spent millions on, in our ad campaign?" Answer, maybe this Obama video is the reason:

I believe,  at least,  I hope,  Romney’s advisors told him,  “Don’t mention the 2007 video unless Obama brings up the 47% thing  --  then unload on the man.”  Obviously,  and I mean obviously,  this video of Obama talking like a black man,  is the perfect answer to the 47 percent attack from the Left,  to wit . . . . . maybe things on video in the past should be left alone.

This is a clip of an Obama speech,  back in 2007 at Hamilton University,  given to a gathering of black elite pastors and associates.  In this 38 minute video (see the excerpt clip below), Obama changes his cadence,  his accent,  his rhetorical inflection  in order to sound more authentic,  as a black man.  His speech is a disgrace,  pitting the black community against a racist government in which he argues that "everyone else has got theirs,  where's your dollar?"  or words to that effect.  

Source:  The Daily Caller   Thanks to The Blaze for giving us a HTML code that allows us to share this clip with our readers.

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