What to expect from Midknight Review - new and revised.

I am an ex-preacher (14 years);  a carpenter and
cabinet man (33 years)  and a big-bike riding fool
who cares about his country and has decided to
be a voice for every hard working stiff in this
nation.  The next six months is dedicated to
the plaid shirt crowd of hard working types 
Now that the election is "on,"  my pledge to the readership of Midknight Review is this:

1. To continue to work for cleanly written script,  error free and on target.  I have stepped up my efforts in each of these areas of concern,  beginning early last week.  I am an admitted "California Okie" ex-carpenter,  but fairly well educated,  nonetheless.  My script should reflect that education.  Often,  it does not.  I am ADD, but do not use that as an excuse.  I just don't want to wait to finish an article before moving on to the next "bright idea."  Sometimes,  the "finished product" looks like something I wrote while sitting at the bottom of  1000 gallons of tank water . . . . . dang.

2.  I am as thorough a researcher as you will ever find.  I intend to live up to that claim with list after list and original research.  Currently,  I am working on the most definitive scoring of election cycle demographics on the net  -  you will be able to use the information to make predictions and understand what goes into various claims and accusations. I should have that ready by this weekend.  

As an example of my concerns,  much talk can be found about "64% of the Hispanic population"  or "56% of the women's vote" as if these percentages mean something.   I ask and answer such questions as, "How many is 64% of the Hispanic population"  or,  "what is the actual count as to the number of single women and married women" supporting and working against Obama?  You want real numbers.  Now is the time for that information.

Understand that liberals simply make up "information."  But,  conservatives tend to quote rumors and poorly researched conclusions.  In the end,  the effects are the same.  I hope to avoid those errors.

More than the above,  I am a proud partner with the larger patriot nation.  I will be supporting efforts to raise money and advertise conservative blogs that represent the American Dream.  But most importantly,  this blog will be about encouraging the conservative reader and equipping her with the kind of information that will be needed to win back this great country.

1 comment:

  1. The so-called thorough researcher that only quotes outlier polls that tell him what he wants to hear.

    Everything you do here is wasted. The GOP is going down - Americans see the GOP as extreme - the GOP is not representative of the future of America.
