On the 38th anniversary of Roe vs Wade, we recommend that fathers stand up for the rights to their life of their offspring.

Here are the words of our Resident Abortion Freak, Bararck Obama celebrating the "right of a woman to snuff human life just because she can." It's been 38 years since Roe vs Wade. but how do you celebrate the deaths of well over 50 million unrepresented human beings? Here is what the Left does in making their case for abortion: Pretend that they [the unborn infants] are not human; never call them "unborn infants," completely ignore the "rights" of the father and make fun of the opposition as often as possible. In the end, the final strategy is to make it clear that they will never obey the law should it be reversed. After all, that is what the libs of the nation have done most consistently, pick and choose the laws they will obey and, if you are a lib president, pick and choose which laws you will enforce.

Here is a statement (in part) released by Mr. Obama regarding this anniversary (yesterday):

Today marks the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that protects women's health and reproductive freedom, and affirms a fundamental principle: that government should not intrude on private family matters. . . . .

Funny, we were thinking that intruding in family affairs is exactly what the godless Federal government has done in this matter . . . . . . and to think they call it "family planning." What a hateful joke. "Let's go down to the local family planning center, Sweet Heart, and rid our lives of this 'thing' that is growing up high between your legs. Never mind that I really want to keep the little critter -- after all, it ain't my body. Of course it is my sperm. Of course it is my offspring. Of course I am the Dad. Of course, if we decide to let it live, I would be expected to provide whatever for this little bundle of whatever. How does that work? First, I don't matter at all, seriously. Legally, I don't count, but if we allow it to live, I am as responsible for its liabilities as the old lady and if you leave me after the birth, I have to pay for you and "my" child. Thank gawd family planning is around. "

So much for "not intruding" in family affairs.

And what about those abortion hating Catholics? Before the summer of 2009, Obama, the most dedicated abortionist in presidential American history, had conquered both the Catholic campuses of Notre Dame and the University of Georgetown. In fact, at Georgetown, he ordered the symbol for "Jesus" covered over before he gave his speech. Think about that, a supposed Christian giving orders the very name of God in Christ be covered. And you want me to believe that the man is a Christian???? Not going to happen.

Don't think Liberal politics are causative to the loss of life? The current trial of an abortion doctor performing dozens of illegal late-term abortions. The doctor involved is a pro-abortionist who sees no problem with making money off the " need" to offer abortions at any stage of pregnancy. In this case, viable babies were born but taken just before the process of fully completed (a toe or the top of the head where still "in" the mother) and, in some cases, the child was, indeed, fully birthed but designated for abortion. The living babies were either killed outright or set aside to die on their own. The specific charges include contributing to the death of one patient and the killing of 7 viable babies, killed with the use of scissors.

Point of post: in documenting certain aspects of the abortion issue and making our confirming our opposition to this travesty, we make the ridiculous argument that liberal dogma is causative to abortion clinic deaths. Understand that we do not believe in the causative relationship in our argument. We made the case in an effort to demonstrate the stupidity of making similar arguments in the Tucson killings and other related crimes. If a conservative moron kills someone, it is not the fault of conservatism. Neither is it true that liberal policies cause crimes outside of the stated law, itself (we believe abortion is murder in spite of the fact that the law makes no such case).

A second point is to encourage men to stand up for their rights as fathers. This is your baby as well as the inconvenienced mother. If the mother was ignored by the law, she would become part of a major protest. This needs to be the case with the American male. I, personally, would no more remarried to a woman who would kill our baby than I would vote Obama into a second term. Period.

Time for talk is over. Time for action is here.

In review: I was trying to do a little too much with this post but, what the heck, it remains.

Salute to the readers !!!

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