Well, here is the morning headline: Obama Nominates Kagan to Supreme Court. We made the call yesterday morning.

Article revised 7:36 pm pst 5/10/10
In citing Elena Kagan's qualifications
, did Mr. Obama forget to cite her experience as a Federal judge, at the some level (i.e. appellate, state, or trial court) as is the case for each member of the current Supreme Court ? She is the first non-justice to be considered in 40 years. Are there no current serving justices qualified to sit on the High Court? Why a pointie-head academic ??

Editor's notes: In her stint as Dean of the Harvard Law School, she opposed the presence of the military on Harvard's campus because of the military stance on "don't ask, don't tell." As Solicitor General, she opposed the decision found in favor of Citizens United, a recent Supreme Court decision that made corporate political speech, protected speech. It was this very decision that sent the Freshman Senator occupying our White House into a rage, finding him pointing his bony finger at the Supreme Court justices attending his State of the Union speech of last January. In the Citizens United decision, the Supreme Court allowed for corporations to use corporate funds to buy political advertisement.

In opposing this decision, Obama has pretended to be protecting the "little guy" when, in reality, much of the record one billion dollars collected by the Obama campaign came from secret sources Obama has refused to identify - 600 million dollars worth of "secret." Did the money come from over-seas, as in the case of the Bill Clinton campaigns ?How much came from unions. How did his campaign skirt existing law to do so ? Understand that Obama owned the world of campaign funding. With Citizens United, that has changed. And he has the audacity of a pope to complain when the "other side" is given similar power !! THAT is why he is so upset. It has nothing to do with the "people" or the "little guy" or the perennial "middle class" (a Marxist designation of a demographic that is comparatively 'poor' and will always be so -- by design --under any form of Marxism). Not at all. Understand the significance of a Bloomberg Financial poll taken in the last quarter of '09. It found that 77 % of Wall Street CEO's believe Obama to be "anti-business." He has spent his entire presidency, to date, demonizing Wall Street and now, Wall Street can fight back. Kagan's appointment will ensure Court opposition to the likes of Citizen United. She will replace Justice Stevens, if approved, so nothing will change in terms of balance on the Supreme.

She is fiercely "pro gay," fiercely anti military, has written strong opinions against conservative political groups, is pro abortion and sees "social justice" in terms of the application of the law. She has no experience as a justice and, hence, no "paper trail" to critique not to mention no judicial experience from which to draw in her service as Supreme Court justice. She is an academic. All other Supreme Court justices came to the Court after serving in the federal court system. Her views on law and justice have been shaped entirely in the schools and academic halls of this nation, the very liberal academic halls of this nation. In fact, less than 8 % of the Obama staff has private sector experience. They are all pointie-head academics; all political/socio theorists; all profoundly unqualified to serve. Obama obviously has no appreciation for the need to select folks with hands on and practical experience. Kagan, of course, will not be Obama staff - but his disregard for experience, including his own, is no more obvious than in the selection of Kagan.

Will she be confirmed. Yes. Is she a liberal ideologue. Of course. Does "ideology" play a significant role in the selection of Supreme Court justices? Of course. Why do you think Stevens waited to retire until a fellow lib became president? - jds.

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