Rick Santorum, a never Trumper, buys into the Left tripe that "black women cannot be criticized by white conservatives, especially if named 'Trump' "

Keep in mind as you read, (A)  that the black women Rick Santorum has in mind include declared enemies of Trump:  Namely,  April Ryan of CNN,  Maxine Waters,  Mrs. Obama, and, (B) its not that they are black,  but that they are harsh critics regardless of color.  As it happens,  however, there are no more racist women on the planet than the three named above ~ editor.
“He does attack everybody,” Santorum said on CNN’s State of the Union. “The president does treat everybody that confronts him poorly, but that being said he needs to be aware of what he’s doing.”

Note:  When Santorum says,  "He does attack everybody  . . .   but he should attack black women,"  he is caving to the Leftist doctrine that Blacks and especially Black women are off limits."   

“He can’t see this in a vacuum,” the former lawmaker and CNN contributor continued. “He went after people, specifically African American women, and he has to recognize that that’s a problem and he shouldn’t do that.”   

Note: There is a reason why Santorum is a featured Conservative contributor at CNN   . . .    he is a sell-out to the Cause.  How do I know?  Because CNN is a Globalist Media Enclave,  opposed to all of the conservative agenda and many of its elected officials including Ronald Reagan,  Bush 41 and 43,  and,  now,  Trump. Turns out that Trump is only one of the four who "returns fire." Ted Turner founded CNN (1980) to oppose Ronald Reagan and David Gregory was just as insulting to GW Bush as Jim Acosta is to President Trump.  We forget all this,  but these are the facts.  There is nothing new,  here,  except that Trump is tearing down the Progressive Legacy (not just the Obama Legacy),  and that is why he is so hated ~ editor.
Source: The Hill, here,  and Midknight Review editor. 

BTW,  Santorum joins the likes of George Wills and Bill Krystol,  men having left Fox News to join CNN and MSNBC.   

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