Nationalism is being attacked by those who have no regard for truth.

France's Macron denounces nationalism as a ‘betrayal of patriotism’ in rebuke to Trump at WWI remembrance  

Speaking in French, Macron emphasized a global order based on liberal values is worth defending against those who have sought to disrupt that system. The millions of soldiers who died in the Great War fought to defend the “universal values” of France, he said, and to reject the “selfishness of nations only looking after their own interests. Because patriotism is exactly the opposite of nationalism.”

“By putting our own interests first, with no regard for others, we erase the very thing that a nation holds dearest, and the thing that keeps it alive: its moral values,” Macron said.
He denounced fringe ideologies that have become more mainstream, warping religious beliefs and setting loose extremist forces on a “sinister course once again that could undermine the legacy of peace we thought we had forever sealed.”

Note:  No one on the Right believes that our nation comes first to the total and complete disregard for other nations  . . . . .   no one.  So,  when you hear such commentary coming from the likes a President Macron,  you know,  without doubt,  that you are listening to a man who lies in order to further his own political goals  . . . .  its a "lie with purpose."  Still a lie.    

Editor's notes:  There is a book written in 1972 that is still in print due to its continuing popularity with Left Leaning forces and many in the leadership of the Democrat Party.  It's title?  Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky.  The reader interested in "politics," really should own this book.  After an extensive preface,  the first chapter of this book deals with the doctrine of "ways and means."  Alinsky believed that a just cause demanded the use of every possible rhetorical tool including lying,  misrepresenting facts, all in the name of "the ends justifying the means necessary to achieve those ends."  The Democrats actually believe this pathetic misappropriation of "values."  This is why Barack Obama lied about every major point of ObamaCare.
He told us it wasn't a tax  -  but defended it as a tax before the Supreme Court.  You all know about "You can keep your doctor, period," and "you can keep your hospital, period."  Both proven to be outrageous lies.
Understand that Democrat party members will lie about vote count.  They will forge signatures and even fill out bogus ballots.  They do this in every election and I have witnessed 53 years of elective events.  Keep in mind that I was a Democrat until Reagan.  I still regard JFK a good president.  I voted for Jimmy Carter the first time he ran for election.  I can say with confidence that  Republicans simply do not condone such practices.

When Macron says,  “By putting our own interests first, with no regard for others,  we erase a nation's moral values."  Macron implies that American Patriots have no regard for other nations,  he puts himself in the company of every lying politician who ever lived.  Understand that we were a nation of "nationalists" right up to the time of Barack Hussien Obama.  Our first nationalist president was George Washington. Barack Obama,  our first wannabe Muslim President,  is the only president not proud of this nation and the true meaning of "nationalism,"
Maybe this will help in giving you a second opinion as to the dishonesty of those who defend "globalism."

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of missiles...satellite images released Monday have identified more than a dozen undeclared North Korean missile operating bases.
