Here is a typical albeit mindless attack against Tucker Carlson, the # 1 Tellie Prognosticator in the country. Their problem? They really can't match wits with the man and it pisses them off.

An Atlantic hit piece that attributes its own failing onto Tucker Carlson:
Last week, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson, or else the eponymous populist demagogue that he plays on TV, declared on Tucker Carlson Tonight, “If you’re looking to understand what’s actually happening in this country, always assume the opposite of whatever they’re telling you on the big news stations.”

Editor:  Eponymous = the foundational soul of a people or movement;  populist = a representative of the common man;  demagogue = one who uses every means possible to gain or maintain power.  Tucker is none of the above because he is a freaking talk show host.  And he is not just a host,  he is one who allows the opposition to make their point(s)  . . . .    the very opposite of a "demagogue." 

He has previously hosted TV shows on CNN, MSNBC, and PBS.

Editor:  So,  because he worked for CNN,  the commies at MSNBC and PBS,  he can't warn us against believing everything presented to us on televised network programming.  How silly.

 While not uncharacteristic of the flagrantly illogical pandering regularly broadcast on his current show,
Editor:  " flagrantly illogical pandering" ----  well,  for starters, 
"pandering" is what all radio/television  hosts and editorialists do,  they pander to their particular audiences,  to their very particular audiences.  "flagrant"  hardly is a defining term since everyone is flagrant in their manner of dress,  or speech,  or life-style or spending habits or    . . . . .    And "illogical"  to define Carlson???  Wow.  If he is so illogical,  why is his program featuring an intellectual comparison of notes and agenda so popular?  Everyone loves a contest,  and Tucker's willingness to match wits WITH ANYONE is precisely what makes him the best at what he does.  

Carlson’s comment proved to be particularly controversial, prompting a sharp rebuke from comedian Seth MacFarlane, creator of the hit Fox-owned series Family Guy, who tweeted, “In other words, don’t think critically, don’t consult multiple news sources, and in general, don’t use your brain. Just blindly obey Fox News. This is fringe shit, and it’s business like this that makes me embarrassed to work for this company.”

Editor:  "fringe shit" is refusing to accept the need for national  borders,  or biological gender,  or traditional marriage,  or radical Islam,  or the critical need for law and order,  or water for our farmlands, or bras, or a strong military.  "fringe shit" is burning our cities in the name of world peace(?), ambushing our cops in the name of social justice, saving the spotted owl in the name of environmental purity,  and being a contrarian to all things normal,  traditional,  or religious or moral. 

This is the Democrat Party of 2018.   

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