Biggesty idssapointments to the Conservative Cause:

There have been several, but one of the biggest disappointments to the Conservative Movement (A.D. 2006 to the present) has been Paul Ryan.  As far as a hard core Ever-Right political force we had hoped him to be,  he really turned out to be a major dud.  And there really isn't more to be said.  Other than getting the tax bill past,  there is little one can point to that sets Ryan apart form other GOP duds.  He and GW rank near the top of my "disappointment ladder."   Now,  I am not saying that these two men were not conservatives,  but I am saying that they did not distinquish themselves as such,  suring their time in office.  I quit listening to Glenn Beck years ago,  but he was right when he framed GW as a  moderate Progressive.

Othere disappoints:   Fox New's "fair and balanced" format,    Matt Drudge and whatever he thinks he is doing with his news portal,  Martha McCallum (the edge has worn off her conservative presentations),   George Will and his decision to court the Marxist Libs at CNN/MSNBC  (along with Bill Kristol,  Mitt Romney and his PC version of conservative politics (no "hard core" about this man),  add Jeb Bush to the mix  (a massive failure exposed by Trump's rough and tumble style).

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