So, after Thursday's debacle, will the Dems lay down and die as to the Kavanaugh confirmation? Not on your life!

Already,  the ABA has issued a statement recommending an FBI investigation before the Senate vote to confirm.  You should know that the ABA is a Democrat cabal [virtually] to the exclusion of conservative representation.  The "last ditch" strategy for the Subversives is to continue what they initiated in the closing round of their Senate process,  and, that was to demand an FBI investigation into the new 36-year-old allegations  . . . .   moe stalling  . . . .    more time to dig up more female accusers.

Anyone notice that per Senate Democrats,  Kavanaugh prefers to rape only Democrat women?  Who knows,  maybe they are the only females who will attend a rape party, i.e. Swetnick  (who attended 10 such parties according to her testimony). 

Now you know. 


  1. The FBI reached out to one of Kavanaugh’s sexual assault accusers, either Deborah Ramirez or Julie Swetnick, asking if she could do an interview as “as early as tonight,” according to the LA Times.

  2. The Ramerez story was so unbelievable that the NY Times refused to print her story. Swetnick's story of 10 gang rapes at parties where Catholic kids attended is only believed by those who are the most mental within the Democrat camp. Like the prosecutor said [who interviewd both Kavanaugh and Ford], " I would not prosecute Kavanaugh for any crime.
