There is Fake News, Gossip, Meaningless News, and Old News.

Here is an example of [very] old news: 

Betsy Woodruff / The Daily Beast:
Exclusive: Mueller Enlists the IRS for His Trump-Russia Investigation Special counsel Bob Mueller has teamed up with the IRS.  According to sources familiar with his investigation into alleged Russian election interference, his probe has enlisted the help of agents from the IRS' Criminal Investigations unit.

Editor's notes:  This was first reported months ago  . . . . .  and "big whooop."  Its an investigation.  Of course,  the King of the Witch Hunt is going to look into Trump's finances. Will he find something to complain about?  Absolutely.  Trump, is infinitely more successful than Mueller has ever been, and,  has made thousands of deals over the course of the past 20plus years.  Some will be questionable.  But who cares?  This is the FBI doing the "investigation,"  the agency that ran the scam "investigation" on Hillary Clinton, found her "innocent" three stinking months before it (the FBI) ended its search for truth,  and,  played "politics" with the Right Wing for a decade,  at least.  

Oh,  and, this is the same IRS that stalled the approval of 340 conservative groups in the months leading up to the 2012 elections.  So,  like I say,  "Who gives a rip"  what the partisan commies come up with?  No one on the True Right cares.  

Don't you know that Mueller will leak his IRS information before the so-called investigation is concluded.  Who knows,  I think it is a good bet that Mueller,  like Comey,  already has formed his opinion.  He is nothing but a tool of the Democrat Rebellion,  a tool and nothing more.  

Now you know. 


  1. CLAIM: "Trump, is infinitely more successful than Mueller has ever been,"
    REALITY: Four bankruptcies, used Russian criminals to bail him out when no US bank would loan him money

    1. You know next to nothing about "bankruptcy" law. You apparently think a chapter 11 bankruptcy is the same as a chapter 13 bankruptcy. Not true. Chapter 11 is a realignment of debtor payments. Years ago, I took a chapter 11, and paid back 39,000 dollars to my creditors, so I know how it works. Trump's bankruptcies were all "chapter 11." None were "chapter 13," the bankruptcy that cheats all debtors . . . . no payback whatsoever. You Russian crime comments is sheer fantasy.

  2. "Russian crime comments is sheer fantasy."

    What? Isn't your google working??

    1. Google? You mean that media giving Marxist Progressive their national platform to advance their sense of One World Crap? THast Google? But, of course, you already know I am quite familiar with the various search engines on the web.

      There will be no mention of Trump and any Russian
      crime family, when this hoax of an "investigation is over.
