Christie proves he is the bigger hypocrite (no pun intended).

Christie calls Cruz 'disgusting' over Sandy vote

Turns out that Chris Christie,  the man who hugged Obama,  is trying to get even with Cruz for his vote against the Sandy relief fund.  What the media doesn't want to tell you is this:  Cruz's no vote was based on his rejection of all the crap the Dems put into that bill.  


  1. The Freedom Caucus, like-minded GOP senators and right-wing Beltway groups see government as the enemy

    1. Your comment is true only as it applied to the Obama Administration. Period. Barack never once told us what he had in mind as he worked to change our national conversation, our traditions, our very history (all his words). The Obama's were and are subversives and their rogue efforts continue to this day, via Al Sharpton, Antifa, and BLM. And that your side has set the standard, never again will accept anyone from your side of the aisle who preaches European socialism.

  2. . . . . . Jennifer Ruben, conservative commentator

    1. I have no reason to allow a quote from this woman. She is no more a conservative that you. Trump's policies embrace fully 90% of GOP policies. Anyone who opposes Trump's presidency, is self-identified as a flaming liberal.
