Another story about the frustrated Left; another reason why "turnout" will be a critical problem for the Dems in 2016.

The main union for construction workers is accusing President Obama of throwing them “under the bus” by rejecting the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

The Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA) is one of the few labor unions that broke with the majority of Democrats and supported the project, which Obama rejected Friday after a seven-year review.

“We are dismayed and disgusted that the President has once again thrown the members of LIUNA, and other hard-working, blue-collar workers under the bus of his vaunted ‘legacy,’ while doing little or nothing to make a real difference in global climate change,” Terry O’Sullivan, the union’s general president, said in a statement. “His actions are shameful.”

The group’s statement cited a State Department report that Keystone could reduce greenhouse gas emissions when compared with oil transportation by rail.

“But facts apparently mean as little to the president as the construction jobs he repeatedly derided as insignificant because they are ‘temporary,’ ” O’Sullivan said. “Ironically, the very temporary nature of the president’s own job seems to be fueling a legacy of doing permanent harm to middle- and working class families.”

(source:  The Hill


  1. Suppress the vote. What side exclusively does that? What side imposes voter ID laws, makes it difficult for students, etc?

    "It has never occurred to me as a candidate to figure out a way to deny the vote to people because they might vote against me. People who do that are political cowards. They're afraid of a fair election.... What Republican are doing is so un-American, so outrageous. It is literally beyond belief. They're political cowards and if they can't face a free election, they should get another job." - Bernie Sanders

    COWARDS. The shoe fits. Suppression is their only key to victory.

    1. Voter ID efforts are not "voter suppression" and you have no stats with which you establish your phony claim. Do you not know that the Democrat Convention requires picture ID before you can enter the convention hall? Do you not know that in the states in which voter ID has been enacted during the past several years, have increased voter participation ??? "Get out the vote" is a Democrat scam that finds Democrat workers going into Democrat districts and picking up "voters, " helping them fill out their ballots as they take them to the voting booth. See anything wrong with that?? And "Get out the vote" has never gone into poor Republican districts.

      2014: Iowa, Colorado and DC had more voters than registered voters. In Ohio, 21 districts in Wood County voted for Obama aby a "margin" of 100%. Impossible. 100% of the folks supposed voted for Obama in 59 districts in Philadelphia. I could go on. If the GOP actually suppressed the vote, you all would not win any elections, so stop with your ridiculous accusations. As far as "cowards" is concerned, it is your Democrat Socialist Party that tries to ban free speech and criminalize opposition speak. "Hate speech" laws are all about speech repression and these laws are all Democrat sponsored laws.

    2. You are SO full of shit, I can't understand how you can even breath with all that shit coming out your brain.

    3. Apparently you don 'tagree. Tell where I went wrong. Facts are facts, Democrat/Marxist/Socialist dude.

    4. What ? Your google isn't working? Everyone who reads this, simply google the term "voter suppression efforts" ... and see what you come up with.

      And speaking of voter fraud...

    5. First, regarding the facts in my comment, above, where do you think I got my information? Hint, from a google search.

      Secondly, if the reader googles "voter suppression," she will be taken to sites that have been discredited as Left Wing sites that add admit to using lies and deception to further their goals. Again, they ADMIT doing so. When you google "voter suppression efforts," you will be taken to Slate (as far Left as you can get), Huffinton Post (ditto), Aljazeera, Wikipedia, the NAACP, the Aclu and the Wa/Post. . . . . . . all Demorat/Socialist sites. So much for truth.

      My facts come from state voter boards and fact check sites.

  2. There are a number of reasons to question the reported results in the KY Gov race.. Among them, the Democrats running in the down ballot races — for Secretary of State, Attorney General (Conway’s current job) and even state Auditor — each reportedly received tens of thousands more votes than Conway did at the top of the ticket. That NEVER happens. Kentucky is still using a lot of the ES&S machines known to have problems or be easily changed. Conway led in every poll prior to the election, by 5 points, then loses by 9?

    1. Reality denier !!!!!! The fact that the Democrat led in all polling right up to the time of the election, simply proves the bias of the polling media. The election was straight-up honest, despite the efforts of Democrats to bias the results and stuff the ballot box. A predictor of the 2016 elections ???
