Thoughts about a rogue Pope and his willingness to act out his authoritarian demands.

Vatican banned skeptical scientist from climate summit...

Editor's notes:  The fact that this Pope is willing to hush opposition speech is proof to me,  that he is not serious about his faith in the exchange of thoughts and ideas.  

"His way or the highway" is not something I am interested in.  That's why Hillary,  Obama,  Chris Christie will never get my respect, as well.  And I have to believe there are millions just like me   . . . .    folks who prefer to be free and think for themselves.   


  1. Certainly, you're free to remain ignorant and in denial of the most basic and confirmed science. Republicans will be known decades in the future as a regressive group of science denying religious zealots whose backward thinking and racist ideals put them in a mindset of a bygone era. Hostile to science and higher education, the deny evolution, climate change and cling to consistently failed policies like trickle down that their corporate masters have conditioned them into believing. Yes, you're free to think for yourself as it will make your species extinct. America is greater than to allow ignorant, isolationist thinking to rule our future. The young people will see that.

    1. Sure about that? Me being free and all? I mean, since it is the New Marxist Progressives who want to make protected speech, accurate speech. One world domination has been around since the beginning of time and the Democrats of today, fall into that category. Forced compliance to any policy is the loss of freedom in that regard. And, I used to be a Democrat. But that party left me years ago. BTW, the party of Forced Big Governance includes Establishment GOP and Boehner's support of the Trade agreement proves that.

      Hostile to education? I have spent more time in the classroom and in my library than you. Anti-science? It is you who cannot justify weather modeling (you have more than 60 such mathematical models) and the creation of a single mean temp when all climate change is regionasl to the exclusion of a one world model. It is you who believes that a man can simply say he is a woman, cut his pecker off, and BAM, he is a woman. It is you and your buds who will not fight to keep what freedoms we have left as per Afghanistan, Obama's Iraq, the Red Chinese, Russia, or even Syria. And you still have given me no alternative to "trickle down." I can explain the process of trickle down, you can't explain the process of "from the middle out" economics. Understand that "trickel down" is your name for how this once great nation become great and prosperous. there is NOTHING unique to Reagan in terms of economic principles. Man works hard, becomes rich or well-off, invests his own money, starts a business, becomes richer while employing people who want to do the same thing. That's trickle down. If you work, you have never worked for a poor man. "From the middle out" is nothing more "unique" than the crafting of another socialist, welfare state.

      Go ahead and explain "from the middle out" to the readership. Go ahead and tell my why all weather change is regional and solitary. Explain to the reader what law you will pass to prevent crazies or hate-filled people from killing other people. Or, why taking my guns away will make me safer. Or why saving a minnow, in California, is even important when an entire population of farm laborers is vanishing, along with the food they produce.

      You can't explain any of this, yet, you pretend to be better educated than folks like. Laughable . . . . . . . . . and America has seen your brand of radicalized, Sharpton loving governance, for eight years and do not like what they see. .

    2. I'm sure you used to be a Democrat, probably a big supporter of George Wallace.

    3. Try JFK and Jimmy Carter, the first election. You are the one who supports Al Sharpton, Farrakhan, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other Obama supported hate groups, not me.

  2. Let an economist explain it to you.

    1. Krugman does not answer any of my questions. But the readership can expect to see a rebuttal to Krugman's article, sometime today.

  3. It's a moral imperative to care about the poor and the earth. I know, it's a very foreign concept to someone like you.

    1. Conservatives give more in time and money than liberals ever thought about. I have dedicated my entire adult life to helping and working with "kids at risk." And you? I already know that you have no such record.

      And where does your "moral imperative" come from. You don't believe in God, or His Christ or even the Pope. You are an intellectual joke.

    2. It is an intellectual joke to think that morality comes from a mythical god and a made up religion. Of course even in Christianity, Smithson claims he knows more about it than the Pope.

    3. the joke is found in your belief that [correct] moral opinion resides in you as a matter of authority. No God, no religion, no moral authority. I mean, why would I give you that kind of recognition. .

      Secondly, where did I give myself higher value, intellectually, than the Pope and why do you, an atheist care?
