Institutional racism at all levels of our society? Utter nonsense.

“The legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination in almost every institution of our lives  . . . . .     casts a long shadow, and that’s still part of our DNA that’s passed on.”  ` B Obama

Editor's notes:  What we have here is a continuing effort at getting out the black vote.  That is what all this talk is about  . . . . . . .   no more Obama on the ballot so,  unless "they" can drive blacks to the polls,  Hillary has no chance and,  at present,  some believe only 80% of black voters in 2008 will go to the polls in 2016.  

This editor  (that would be me) lives in California.  I can tell you with impunity,   there is NO INSTITUTIONAL RACISM anywhere on the West Coast     . . . . . .    period.  

Understand that Obama's party created this problem with their plantations,  the KKK,  all of Jim Crow, and,  now,  rather than solving the problem,  they are desperately trying to resurrect racism because they cannot win elections without pushing  crisis after crisis.  Fear mongering and division is how this bunch wins election,  and there is good reason for believing that the American people are tired of the nonsense. 


  1. ?? Really?

    I think law enforcement is an institution.

    1. of the more than 1.2 million criminal arrests in 2013 (our most recent year for such stats), only 3,600 were race based . . . . . . that is 1/3 of one stinking percent. Now, if you televise all or a significant number of the race based arrests, it looks terrible . . . . but the simple facts say otherwise, in spades. . . . . . and the numbers come from the FBI. Case closed. End of meaningful debate.
