With Obama, it is more than valid to contrast his allegiance to Islam versus Christianity.

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“Eid also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.”  ~ Barack Hussein Obama, August 1, 2014

Editor’s notes:  Obama loves to hear himself talk.  That is why talking consumes the better part of each and every day.  He is a performer and time has proven the impact a mere performer can have on a nation. 

Add to his latest performance,  comments (the quote above), made on August 1.  I am guessing that “Eid” is a celebrative time of year in the Muslim religion,  but I really don’t care what it is.  I do care,  however,  about what the man says about the event.  It is disturbing.

Understand that Islam, when put into practice,  is a theocratic form of governance diametrically opposed to the very notion of “democracy.”  As a theocracy,  it is repressive on a personal level (via Sharia Law),  sexist to a fault,  and thoroughly intolerant.  In countries such as Saudi Arabia and Jordan,  there are some limits to all of the above,  but,  still,  the summary is accurate.  Understand that the governance of each of the Middle East nations is NOTHING like  -  not similar to - our current form of democracy.  

While individual Muslims may have contributed,  on a small scale,  to this nation’s vitality and goals,  individual accomplishments must never be confused with the corporate reality we call Islam.  Islam,  as a national government,   is opposed to the Western definition and practice of “democracy,”  period.     If Obama's "fundamental transformation of the United States of America" has a corporate parallel,  that parallel reality  could very well be Islam.  But who actually knows what this man believes.  

While he is not a religious man,  in the truest sense of the word,  his allegiance to Islam has been demonstrated over and over again,  throughout his presidency.  As to the Christian counter part,  he has not stood up against the Muslim persecution of Christians,  anywhere in this world   . . . .  not once.  More than this,  he is the first president to assert that the U.S. is not a Christian nation.  Whether that is true or not,  he is the first to make this admission.  And his legislative agenda is a witness to his anti-Christian stance. 

If actions define who we are,  his "spiritual" alignment is more than obvious.  


  1. Ridiculous. A well known treaty passed by the founding fathers asserted America is not a christian nation. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

    Which president said: ?

    "America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. ... let me quote from the Koran, itself: 'In the long run, evil in the extreme will be the end of those who do evil. For that they rejected the signs of Allah and held them up to ridicule.'

    The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. "

    Yea... Bush. The same guy who was photographed walking hand in hand, hugging and yes...even KISSING a Saudi Muslim theocrat.


    What would you be saying if Obama said or did any of this?

  2. All BS - as far as Muslim influence and the founding of our nation. Solid bullshit. Again, Islam is all about theocratic governance and Sharia Law - totally the opposite of our founding principles. And what individuals do for this country is not an advertisement for Islam. If these clowns were to take over this country, they would rule it just as they do Jordan, or Saudi Arabia or maybe, Northern Iraq under ISIS. I really do not care what Bush has to say on the matter. I have actually read the first half of the Koran. Sexist, intolerant and the violent extermination of Jews and Christians (and the Koran names these two denominations) .. . . . . . that is what the Koran is all about. Peddle your nonsense somewhere else.

  3. BTW, Islam's leader was "the Prophet," old whats-his-name. Find me a defense of the Christian leader (that would be Jesus of Nazareth) . . . just one statement defending Him and pledging allegiance to Him, as he did with Old What's-his-name.

  4. "We are reminded that there's something about the resurrection -- something about the resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ, that puts everything else in perspective.

    The humility of Jesus washing the disciples' feet. His slow march up that hill, and the pain and the scorn and the shame of the cross. And we're reminded that in that moment, he took on the sins of the world -- past, present and future -- and he extended to us that unfathomable gift of grace and salvation through his death and resurrection."

    -- President Barack Obama

    1. I know lots of unbelievers who can talk the talk. I judge him based on what he does and how he acts and how he treats others and the stand he takes or does not take on behalf of his "fellow" Christian and his allegiance . . . . stated allegiance, in the public scare, to The Prophet. Add in the fact that he ordered the symbolic name of Jesus covered over before given a commencement speech at the U of Georgetown (2009) and the fact that he is a believer (of sorts) in Black Liberation Theology and has NEVER spoken out in serious defense of "the persecuted," and you have my case for this infidel. And what do you know? Nothing, being that you flunk Faith 101.

    2. While my comments will be played as "extremely biased and hypocritical, " understand that I know that you are no friend of faith, especially the Christian faith, and neither is Obama, if we look to what he does APART from his BS, we have a much more accurate picture of who he is. Any number of his own supporters have gone on record saying that he is a secularist or an atheist. I am not the only one, and, as I say, many of his so-called friends, agree.
