Thoughts about Obama's secret seizure of Verizon's customer base for specified information.

<<<<  Picture of an Obama campaign center taken on or about August 28, 2012.  These centers were busy collecting data as early as July,  of 2011 and there is no reason to assume that such activity by the Democrats,  has been abandoned following the last election.  

This latest effort at data mining has been going on since April 25.  

There is no specific reason except "national security."  Problem:  if national security is the reason,  why only Verizon ?  Clearly,  this is data mining,  on the part of this Administration.  It tracks a large portion of the American population and reveals societal trends as to the individual citizen.  

The American press,  as usual,  was sitting on its hands while the UK news source got this very important "scoop."  

The court order expressly bars Verizon from disclosing to the public either the existence of the FBI's request for its customers' records, or the court order itself.

The data collected is called "meta-data."  

There is a massive data collection center in Utah,  currently under construction,  that can hold cell phone information on 300 billion phones,  according Thursday morning reports on Fox News.  Of course, only a small,  small, fraction of this number constitutes the actual number of existing cell phones in the country or in the world  -  perhaps a billion phones world wide (?),  total,  compared to a high  capacity data storage center that is 300 times larger than current or imagined "need."   Obviously,  we are well into the Big Brother stage of this nation's existence and we all are sitting on our butts,  watching this happen.  

Obama has  been involved the most extensive data mining process in this nation's history.  And that is not my opinion,  but the opinion (i.e. fact) resulting from a investigative summary in the NY Times: 

President Barack Obama's campaign for re-election rested heavily on a busy data mining operation, complete with an analytics teams five times as big as the one in 2008, mysterious code names, and a chief number cruncher. Just what this operation was doing was held close to the vest during the campaign, but Time magazine's Michael Scherer got the inside scoop.     

The data mining operation was instrumental in helping the campaign raise $1 billion, target ads and model voters in battleground states, senior campaign advisors told Scherer. To boost fundraising efforts, the data crunchers started by creating a single system for gathering data from a huge variety of sources, including field workers, pollsters, fundraisers, consumer data and social media and merging it with the main Democratic voter databases in the key states. This massive database helped the campaign predict what types of voters would be persuaded by what types of appeals.  More pictures of these data collection centers:

"We could [predict] people who were going to give online. We could model people who were going to give through mail. We could model volunteers," a senior adviser said. "In the end, modeling became something way bigger for us in '12 than in '08 because it made our time more efficient."

To pretend that this mining procedure,  under the guise of "national security" is not going into the coffers of the Socialist Democrats headed,  for the time being, by H Obama,  is to live life with one's head in the sand.  
Related articles you need to read:

A very important report on the NY Times story:

And article exposing Obama's thirst for data:
    A July 14, 2011 article written just 7 months after the 2010 midterm elections  ---
"Using statistical predictive modeling, the Democratic Party's comprehensive political database, and publicly available data, modeling analysts are charged with predicting the behavior of the American electorate. These models will be instrumental in helping the campaign determine which voters to target for turnout and persuasion efforts, where to buy advertising and how to best approach digital media."                                                                                                            

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