The truth about border fencing and the current immigration bill.

Less than 400 miles of border fencing
For years, now,  Democrats  have  told us that 700 miles of border fence has been completed,  that this fence did not work as to illegal immigration,  and that this is proof that a border fence is a waste of money.  Turns out that the 700 mile fence was never completed.  We know this because an amendment to complete that 700 mile section was defeated,  in the Senate (53-39),  just yesterday  (June 22,2013) .  In the end,  we,  “the people,”  have been lied to regarding border security for years,  beginning with the Bush Administration.  We now know that unless border security is stated as required  beginning point for meaningful immigration reform,  there will be no border security at all.  The Democrats don’t want it,  and the GOP is so compromised as to be feckless in its “opposition” to Democrat lies. 
The government lie per HHS
When I write of an uncompleted fence,  I am including 350 miles of double layered fencing that was never built.  Let’s not forget that legislation was passed during the Bush years that required the creation of this 700 mile fence.  That law was simply ignored by  all concerned,  a very popular tactic of the H. Obama socialist/progressive Democrats. 
What do we actually have,  in terms of border fencing?  We have just 36 miles of double layered fencing,  and 316 miles of single row fencing.  An additional 299 miles are listed as “fencing,”  the type shown in the adjoining picture,  designed to keep motor traffic out,  but not illegals crossing the border.  It is still counted as "fencing."  

The current bill under consideration,  promises to spend 1.6 billion on border fencing,  but there is no plan for this fencing,  only more Washington promises.  The 1.6 billion will never have a accounting,  and will be spent on other more pressing fiscal matters,  after its allocation is approved  in this bill.  

Understand that much of the 300 miles of fencing is quite substantial,  but most of the 2000 miles of border has no fence at all,  and other sections having ridiculous fencing constructs,  pictured in this post.  

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