Charles Schumer calls for race riots if the immigration bill, not yet passed in the Senate, not yet read by anyone, fails in the House. You know a party has lost its way when "anarchy" is an accepted political tool.

A senior Democratic senator predicted Sunday there could be massive demonstrations in Washington if House Republicans try to block a bill to grant legal status to millions of immigrants.
Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.), the lead Democratic sponsor of the Senate immigration reform bill, said House Republicans would likely spark massive civil rights rallies if they try to quash measures to create a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants already in the country.Read more: 
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Editor’s notes:  in a disgusting display of disregard for law and order,  Chuckie Schumer “predicted” race riots if the House fails the current immigration proposal,  a bill that is passing through congress without having been read !!  Make no mistake,  this smiley faced Democrat anarchist,  is actually calling for the race riots he is predicting.  Absolutely no one was
Schumer with his pal,  J McCain.  Both men failed
to instill traditional values in their daughters,  but
think they are qualified to tell us all what we must
think and do.  
talking about such things before Schumer opened his big mouth.   

And to think this moron believes it sound judgment to approve a bill he has not read.  He can do so,  because he trusts in the legislative process as unelected, unnamed Progressives staffers, in full support of a borderless world, were given the assignment of writing this 1077 page monstrosity.    The stupidity of it all is only out weighted by the sheer malfeasance of the circumstance.  If for no other reason,  this bill should never see the light of day until it has been read by our politicians and posted for public viewing for 5 days,  as promised 5 years ago. 

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