The GOP is about to sign its death warrant, and here is why.

Apparently, with the full support of the RINO Herd,  sadly including Marco Rubio,  the Republican Party as a conservative representative of the traditional values may be prepared to sign away its future as it considers passing the immigration bill being considered, a bill that does not put securing the border as the top priority.  

While Bachmann’s prediction about the GOP is [probably] true,  I think she misses the point as to why.  I have no intentions of every supporting a GOP presidential candidate again,  if this bill passes.  Boehner, McCain and company have thumbed their collective nose at the GOP conservative base  (emphasis on “base”)  and in doing so,  will not win another election without their (the base of the GOP) support.  The battle cry is this:  GOP,  try winning without the conservative vote.  You tried in 2008 and got your butts kick.  You doubled down on winning without conservatives,  in 2012,  and came up embarrassing short.
Understand this:  there is no one reading this insignificant rant that does not know the truth of what I am saying.  It is one thing to be angry.  It is far worse,  for the health of a political party to be discouraged.  An aggressive conservative candidate can “fixed” “angry.”  He cannot fix “discouraged,”  at least not enough to win the election. 

Bachmann:  Unless people melt the phone lines here in Congress, with both the Senate and the House, this is gonna be done. It’s the number one political item of President Obama. Republican Leadership is helping this get through, for some reason. And this will mean permanent Progressive policies. It will mean no Republican will ever get elected again for President, no Constitutional Conservative that is. It will change us forever.

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