No one in this country believed him when he first talked about a "red line." And, now, an entire world of enemy forces, knows the truth, as well.

<<< talk about "complicated."  

Obama: You Can't Fathom 'Complexities' of Syria Policy 'If You Haven't Been in Situation Room'

Obama: I hear folks saying, "Katie, bar the door, let's just go in and knock out Syria."   (headline and lede taken from the Weekly Standard).


Actually,  those same “complexities” existed in Egypt and Libya,  but Obama was too busy getting re-elected to see the bastardly disaster he was helping to create in those two countries.  And what is up with that “Katie, bar the door” comment?  No one I know thinks we should go into Syria with guns blazing.  Obama has waited far,  far too long to get involved now.  And his “red line,” tough guy fantasy statment?  Well,  he has already told us he was just kidding about that.  More than that,  in making that statement (about the red line),  he made it clear that Assad could kill as many folks as he wanted,  just as long as it wasn’t by gas or some chemical. 

What a duffus.  

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