Huge Scandal # 4 : Obama caught spying on us all. This chart reveals the extent of the problem.


  1. But when Bush did it, it was OK. This shows the true colors of Smithson. Many conservatives have applauded this as a protection against terrorism, but not SMithson who puts hate of the president over principles.

  2. I believe in targeted surveillance. If this latest scandal was about tracking my destinations and setting up profiles based on that narrow use of so called "metadate, that would be fine with me. But that is not the extent of this circumstance. First, it is and was secret activity without extensive accountability to anyone outside this Administration. If that was the case with Bush, that would have been very wrong, but since liberals were only concerned with the Bush surveillance doctrine, never coming up with any serious complaint, who cares?

    But this "Bush" crap" is only a dodge. Bush is gone nearly five years now. There is much about his administration that I absolutely despise. He passed into law the RU486 pill or "the morning after pill." He believed in and worked with the social justice crowd, expanding the Affordable Housing law which eventually lead to the financial collapse of 2007-08, a social justice cause driven by the Democrats and fully supported by Hussein Obama.

    But Obama is reading your emails, Ellen. He is collecting all your pictures, tracking and reading all your stored communications. He know about your bank balances, when you withdraw, where and how much you invest and he knows all this and more for every American in this nation. Bush did not do this – not even close.

    And I couldn’t care less about what the RINO population has to say about this, nor the compromised, wussified US military has to say in defense of this -- and if this was Bush, you and your white hating crowd would be up in arms over this.
