Now we KNOW that Obama's IRS was harassing the teaparty movement from the very beginning.

 Reuters:    Revenue Service employee in Cincinnati alerted a number of Washington IRS officials that extra scrutiny was being placed on conservative groups in July 2010, a year earlier than previously acknowledged, according to interviews with IRS workers by congressional investigators . . . . . . . 

Editor’s notes:  the impact of this story is the realization that the teaparty movement,  which came into existence in the fall of 2009,  came under attack from the Obama IRS almost immediately.  From the beginning of their existence,  Obama took steps to negate their influence – not by denying their existence,  but by delaying their tax exempt status for up to three years and more.  

Understand that his contempt extends to the press,  even those who are on "his side,"  religious groups,  pro-Israeli groups,  pro-life groups,  anti-spending organizations and,  today,  liberals,  conservatives and independents who use email,  trade pictures,  store messages and articles, use Yahoo,  Google, AT & T,  Verizon and on and on.  

I laugh at the notion that he only wants to control conservatives.  Turns out,  he wants to control everyone and we have proof of that,  proof that is incontrovertible.  

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