Its official, Obama is working for a One World society. “America’s possibilities are limitless, for we possess all the qualities that this world without boundaries demands” -- H. Obama Jan 20,201 (inauguration).

<<<  This won't happen during Obama's 2nd term,  but he intends to push this agenda "forward." Such is the impact of his inaugural comment.

You should know that on the same day Obama took the oath,  for the second time,  the United Nations voted (157 to zero) to resume discussion on global gun control.  Those talks will begin in March of this year.  If you have not figured it out, after decades of nonsense coming from the United Nations, it is supported (in the free world) by dreamers and utopians who believe in the benefits of a borderless world and on world governance. 

This most recent UN decision is especially disturbing in view of Obama’s favorable reference supporting a borderless or global societal economy.  

America’s possibilities are limitless, for we possess all the qualities that this world without boundaries demands  --  Hussein Obama Jan 20,2013

Understand that this statement is open ended,  defining America’s “possibilities”  as 1) yet to be fulfilled, an implicit polemic,  and 2) capable of meeting the unnamed demands of a borderless community.  

And what is a world and its economy,  “without borders?”    Global.   Global in terms of governance.  Global in terms of societal demands  (gun control, for example) and global in terms of the redistribution of wealth.  

Understand this,  there is not enough money in this country to float the boats of all the poor without sinking the ship(s).  So where does Obama go?  He goes “global.”  And his inaugural speech is fair warning to all,  that this will be a major part of his 2nd term. 

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