When Hillary told the Senate, " I . . . . know . . . . . nothing," she indicted herself and made Obama complicit in the rape and murder of our Libyan Ambassador -- and not one Democrat leader raised a voice in descent.

<<< Hillary explodes when questioned about who did what.  Here,  she screams,  "What difference does it make?"  Really?? She does not know??  And an idiot's president she will make. 

Hillary finally showed up for her sworn testimony before both the House and the Senate.  Clearly,  she was not about to be forth coming,  if,  in fact,  she did not lie under oath.  

One thing for certain,  not a single congressional Democrat  gives a woot  as to the truth about the massacre at the Benghazi Embassy.  How can that be proven?  Simple.  Not a single one asked Hillary a serious,  probing question that challenged her memory on this matter during the questioning,  today.   Not one timely question from the Democrats.  

Here is what we learned from today’s show.  For starters,  the State Department is run by imbeciles,  if we are to believe Hillary’s denials.  “I was not in on the talking points process.”  “No one told me about the previous attacks on the embassy.”  “It was not my decision to send Susan Rice onto the five Sunday shows. “  “I don’t know who made the decision to send Rice out.”  She had no explanation for why the “video lie” continued to be circulated two weeks after the truth was known  (there is video of her doing just that,  blaming the video and down playing "terrorism").    We know,  now,  that there was no chain of command that takes crisis events [immediately] to the Secretary of State.  We also know,  that the State Department,  Hillary’s State Department,  makes no security distinction between embassies in France and Spain,  and embassy is obvious war zones such as Egypt, Libya and Yemen.  They are all treated the same in terms of threat potential.  

That Hillary asserts these issues are “under review,”   one wonders why the hell they are “issues” in the first place.  These are systemic failing put in place by Hillary and/or her staff,  and have been in place for four years.  

Clearly,  Obama and his State secretary are/were no more qualified to lead in “threat situations,”  than was Hitler qualified to lead the world to peace and tranquility.  

If they want to play “stupid” when questioned about the massacre,  then “stupid” they are.  No argument here. 

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