In one of Obama's most partisan interviews, he sets out his agenda for the next four years - and a monumental wish list it is (kind of like his first list, back in 2008).

In a recent interview with the very liberal New Republic,  Hussein Obama laid out his plans for the second term and the issues standing in his way,  working against what he hopes to accomplish.

The truth is that most of the big issues that are going to make a difference in the life of this country for the next thirty or forty years are complicated and require tough decisions, but are not rocket science. We know that to fix our economy, we've got to make sure: that we have the most competitive workforce in the world, that we have a better education system, that we are investing in research and development, that we've got world-class infrastructure, that we're reducing our health care costs, and that we're expanding our exports. On issues like immigration, we have a pretty good sense of what's broken in the system and how to fix it. On climate change, it's a daunting task. But we know what releases carbon into the atmosphere, and we have tools right now that would start scaling that back, although we'd still need some big technological breakthrough.

Of course and per Obama,  there is nothing in this statement as to specifics.  Who in the world would argue with wanting (and needing) to “fix our economy,”  or working to improve our [centrally controlled] education system,  or developing the most competitive workforce in the world?  To add to the impossibility of what he wants to effect,  he included a desire to oversee a “world class” infrastructure,  reducing healthcare cost {I thought he already did this], fixing immigration and tackling the “daunting task” of climate change.  

Wow.  And to think,  back in the days when we suffered under one party rule (2009/2010),  he was able to accomplish three legislative goals:  the 2009 stimulus, his so-called “financial reform” (the Dodd/Frank bill) and, of course, ObamaCare.  The last two years of his first term was spent campaigning,   accomplishing a number of scandals along the way.

As you might guess,  I am critical of nearly all that he put forward,  in this interview. It is not that I think his goals are unworthy.  Rather,  I see no "plan,"  just glowing words and lofty sounding goals. 

Understand that we are out of money.  While that is “no big deal” to those who have control of the printing press,  it is a serious issue,  one that has become the dominate negative force in state politics,  across the nation.  And this negative bleeds upward, effecting party politics and the national agenda,  exclusive of all other influences.  

Obama's policies have dug us into a hole that promises to be our grave if he doesn't stop digging but that would require that he become a rational member of society.  

With his wish list in mind,  here is a list of his coming failures and accomplishes: 

At the top of my list,  is his wish for a "world class infrastructure."   If you are not a political junkie,  you have no idea how much money a repair of this nation's infrastructure, will cost.  Just know that the total will be in the trillions of dollars.  Our nation spends [currently] 3.8 trillion per year,  borrowing 42% of that money from itself  (yes,  we lend ourselves billions of dollars per year) and outside sources  (China,  Japan,  and several other countries).  At any rate,  this goal has no chance of getting done.  

Educational repair.  To date,  there is nothing in the "pip-line" with regards to educational reform,  except to test teachers and give teacher unions more money.  Give this effort an "F" as well. 

Climate change?  He has already made it clear that this "reform" will be accomplish via presidential fiat.  It has no chance in the legislature,  but Obama controls the EPA and the courts have given that agency the authority to regulated "dirty air."  so this will get done,  like it or not.  

Gun control - not included in the above quote but part of the New Republic interview - will not the be world changing effort many on the Right,  fear.  Most definitely,  he will get nothing done that is meaningful to the solutions we seek.  

He will use presidential edict to accomplish more reforms as to immigration reform.  He could have passed comprehensive legislation,  during his first two years,  but did not even try.  

Updated comments:  today at 2:30 et,  a joint announcement on immigration involving 8 Senators,  will present an immigration plan of some sort,  beating Obama to the punch,  with his announcement planned for tomorrow. 

Reducing the cost of healthcare?  This is perhaps,  the most ridiculous part of this New Republic interview.  There is simply no hope for more healthcare reform.  His expressed goal,  here,  is an admission that his reforms did not bring down healthcare costs.  And that historic failure will not be corrected during his term in office.  He and his fellow Dems [obviously] don't know how.

The economy?  Here is another mystery for the Lefties.  Since they do not believe that increasing regulations,  increasing business taxes,  and the continuation of the blame game against the business community have any effect on jobs and related issues,  we will continue to struggle,  in this regard.  

Updated commentary:  apparently,  "economy" and "jobs" are two different things. Obama seldom speaks of jobs and never with a plan. 

Of all the above,  this circumstance is the most critical.  It effects our nation's GDP,  the amount of record setting debt we can expect to accrue,  and the amount of funding available for some of Obama's wish list.   

I expect to see a struggling economy,  four years from now,  and in that forecast,  there is hope for a GOP and conservative resurgence. 

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