The Second Amendment has little relevance in modern society -- the constitutional right to bear arms is outdated -- Louis Farrakhan

WASHINGTON (CBS DC) – In the third installment of his 52-week sermon series, Nation of Islam leader, Minister Louis Farrakhan, ridiculed the “volatile” American right to own weapons.
On Sunday, Farrakhan continued “The Time and What Must Be Done” sermon series by stating that Americans are increasingly angry at the government, and are simultaneously preparing themselves for war. Farrakhan went on to say that the Second Amendment has little relevance in modern society, stating that the constitutional right to bear arms is outdated.
“See, the right to bear arms was given at a time when there was no regulated militia to protect America,” he said. “But now you have police well-armed, you have state troopers well-armed, you have the National Guard and you have federal troops.”

Problem:  I see two issues,  here.  Who protects us from the projected tyranny of our own government?   If not Obama,  then someone years into the future  will make an attempt to take over our national governance.  Remember one of Murphy’s most reliable rules:  if it can happen,  it will happen;  often true for good things,  always true for the negative.  Secondly,  what of Farrakhan’s own possession and use of guns for “self protection."  Obama and David Gregory and Al Jazeera Gore and anyone with money,  can send their children to a private school,  complete with armed personnel on campus,  while the rest of us,  the pee-on me class,  are not so privileged.  Yes,  much of this is about the elitists among us and the peon class.   

Understand that Farrakhan is as militant a black Muslim leader as we have in these United States.  He has openly talked about taking his brand of justice into the streets,  and he is not talking about peaceful demonstrations.

As I see this current anti-gun debate,  the more the other side talks,  the greater the likelihood that comprehensive gun reform will not happen.  And Louis F does not help matters,  at all.  He is a classless hypocrite,  one who smiles and talks softly but has revolution in his heart and mind. Take a good look at the picture in this post.  If you think those folks,  his little group of thugs,  are not packing heat,  well,  you just do not understand the angry black anti-colonialist and his bias against the "Anglo-Saxon" cracker who gave us slavery,  the Constitution, a repressive government and a white man's Jesus.  

And B Hussein Obama has stirred these fires of resentment in an effort to create a crisis large enough to vomit open rebellion and the implementation of his deeply held,  revolutionary,  beliefs.  

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