This Review is giving Florida to Romney

You should know that,  as you read the following news excerpt,  that all reports have Obama “winning” the early voter count.

Florida continues to look good for Mitt Romney. The Republican holds a 6-point lead in the state essential to his hopes of defeating President Barack Obama, according to a new Tampa Bay Times/Bay News 9/Miami Herald poll.

The poll shows slight tightening, with Romney's 51-45 lead down 1 percentage point from the Times'statewide poll a month ago. Other Florida surveys show a tighter contest and both campaigns are blanketing the state with appearances geared toward scraping together every last vote.

Still, nearly every key indicator in the Times' pre-Election Day poll reveals Romney's advantage in a state Obama won four years ago.   >>>>  see the Tampa Bay News for a more comprehensive review.  

Sooooo,  he wins the early vote but loses the State-wide election?  Absolutely.  Here is a fact you will hear over and over again,  on this Review:  Democrats have to win the early vote in each of the  swing states in order to be competitive on election day in those states.  Why?  Because conservatives and Republicans,  typically,  prefer to vote on election day.  Democrats lords within that party,  push for early voting because they can manipulate both the count and the turn-out with less opposition,  if they have the volunteers to do so.  This year,  the volunteer base is down.  As a result,  so too is the early voting turn-out.  In Florida,  for example,  Democrat turn-out is down 180,000 compared to this time in 2008.  While they are “winning” the early vote,  their fear that it will not be enough to off-set the election day vote.  

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

    LOSER> you should have listened to Nate Silver. He was right, you and your Rasmussen polls - WRONG.
