Four Biden debates claims examined and proven to be false.

Biden claimed the embassy was unprotected because Ryan and his GOP  pals cut spending that would have provided for the needed security.

Truth:  Romney/Ryan called for a 19% “across the board” cuts in non-defense discretionary spending.   That same budget increase the Administration’s request for security spending by 5 million dollars.  The Biden claim was something he and Obama have made up,  out of thin air.  The $300 million dollars of which Biden speaks,  had nothing to do with his debate claim.

Biden claimed that Syria was 5 times larger than Libya with more population.  He offered that as a reason for invading Libya but doing nothing to help in Syria except to cheer for the “good” guys.

Truth:  as it turns out,  Libya may be 8 times larger than Syria as far as land mass is concerned.  Syria’s population is 20 million;  Libya’s is 6.5 million.  As I see it,  the larger the population under distress,  the greater the need to intervene. 

Biden tried to make points criticizing Romney’s statement when he said,   "It's not worth moving heaven and earth and spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person," In fact,  GW Bush said much the same thing.  No one complained back then  . . .  you know,  in the days before the Democrats became warmongers. 

Truth.  1300 died during “Obama’s war” to kill bin Laden,  and that number is specific to the time Obama reconstituted the Afgan war, until bin Laden was killed.    Indeed,  were the lives 1,300 men well spent to catch one man who no longer served a purpose except at as figure head?  Never forget,  the day after bin Laden was killed,  Joe The Military Moron Biden,  announced to the world,  including the Taliban,  the name of the Special Opts responsible for the Osama’s death.  90 days later,  17 members of Navy Seal Team Six were killed as their helicopter transport was shot down  (31 troops, total, lost their lives in that tragedy) .  If Biden had kept his self-serving mouth shut,  those men might very well be alive today.  

Biden asserted that no religious institution is being forced to offer contraception preventions.

Truth:  The Catholic Church came out the next morning,  blasting Biden and the Administration for stepping all over the First Amendment and the freedom of religious expression.  Bidens claim was simply a lie.  

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