Proof positive that Obama knew what happened at the Libyan consulate.

USA Today  in a decent article reviewing some of the claims made during the VP debate,  presented the typical argument supporting the Administration in the controversy that centers in “terrorist attack versus a spontaneous flash mob.” 

USA Today writes:

Claim: Ryan said President Obama took two weeks to acknowledge the Sept. 11 attack on the Benghazi consulate was conducted by terrorists rather than protesters.

The facts: This is mostly false. White House spokesman Jay Carney said at the Sept. 20 White House news briefing that the incident was a terrorist attack. The president himself, speaking on Late Night With David Letterman on Sept. 18, a week after the attack, said "terrorists and extremists" had attacked U.S. diplomatic installations in Libya and elsewhere, using a controversial video that portrayed the prophet Mohammed as a pedophile as a pretext. In fact, Obama called the assault "an act of terror" in remarks on Sept. 12. However, Carney and other top administration officials, including U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, continued to describe the incident as part of a protest outside the U.S. diplomatic mission for several days after the incident.

Editor's notes:  with this explanation,  this Leftist news service attempts to absolve Obama of any responsibility as to the continuing controversy,  making it sound as if he sided with those who were about the Libyan event as a “terrorist  attack.”

Using the term “an act of terror” is not the same as branding the Libyan attack as a “terrorist attack.”  In fact,  Obama has band this phraseology.  Understand that an “act of terror”  could be caused by a flash mob rioting against a anti-Muslim film,  which was  Obama’s position from the beginning,  including September 12.  This is why he could go to the United Nations as late as September 25,  and blame an anti-Muslim film for the Libyan problem in a speech in which he mentions this film six times to the exclusion of any reference to Jihad or a “terrorist attack.” (see The Daily Beast for a full text of Obama's UN speech). 

His mindless September 25 reference to the American made,  anti-Muslim film (in his UN speech) came at a point in time after  everyone in his Administration including Jay Carney and Hillary Clinton,  had gone public with the admission that,  indeed,  the Libyan murders were the work of an organized terrorist attack and had nothing to do with that American made film. (Carney made his statement on September 20, cf this confirmation). 

Understand that if Jay Carney, Obama's press secretary,  knew the truth,  Obama knew the truth. 

Because of Obma's ineptness in handling this disaster,  we are assured that it will continue to a major news story through election day.  The more he blames the intel community and Hillary's State Department,  the more involved this controversy will become.

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