Many Democrat Progressives will blame Bush "forever" and are not a

In a recent campaign appearance for democrats and B. Obama,  Bill Clinton's Secretary of State,  Madeleine Albright, made it clear that she was committed to blaming George Bush "forever"  (her word).

Understand that while B. Clinton was not the revolutionary progressive Barack Obama is,  Albright was and is.  While serving as Secretary of State,  on one occasion she bemoaned the fact that the United States was the sole "super power" in the world.  Her statement was to the effect that this was not "fair."  I was startled when I heard her statement,  but,  little did I know that her comments were the very tip of the Progressive Iceberg.

Understand that "fairness" has everything to do with Obama's economic politic, his demand of "fairness" before "what works as a financial strategy."  When asked about the fact that lower corporate and dividend rates bring in greater revenues,  Obama has made it clear that while this was a fact, it was not not fair and,  for that reason,  he opposed lower corporate tax rates.  

Point of post:  "fairness" will get us all killed,  if we do not go broke, first.  Life is not about being fair or taking advantage of those who have succeeded (Obama's version of "fair").

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