Russia/China warn second rate America not to take military action in Syria.

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has warned the West not to take unilateral action on Syria, saying that Russia and China agree that violations of international law and the United Nations charter are impermissible.

Russia and China have opposed military intervention in Syria throughout 17 months of bloodshed and have vetoed three U.N. Security Council resolutions backed by Western and Arab states that would raise pressure on Damascus to end violence.

Lavrov, cited by Russian news agencies at a meeting with China's top diplomat, was speaking a day after U.S. President Barack Obama, in some of his strongest language yet, said U.S. forces could move against President Bashar al-Assad if he deploys chemical weapons against rebels trying to overthrow him.. . . . . . 

Editor’s notes:  three considerations  come to mind.   First,  one wonders what a broken down military might (Russia) and a nation with a navy that is not ready for blue-water combat (China) have in mind,  with news of their warning to the US. But, speaking of "broken down" and "not ready for combat,"  does anyone know just how weak our military force is,  after four years of Obama?    

Secondly,  there should be concern that the Obama Administration in not in diplomatic negotiations with these two countries,  at some level On June 3, of 2012,  a Chinese news service gave us this insight into the developing relationship between Russia and China. 

"During Putin's visit, officials from both Russia and China are going to sign a joint communique on relations and their entrepreneurs will sign a number of agreements," Lavrov said.  The two countries will also explore ways of further promoting their trade and economic relations, including how to optimize their bilateral trade structure, ensure rational use and protection of cross-border water resources, and conducting joint border inspections, he added.

Understand that the world is filled with evil and if Obama’s foreign policy does not include an aggressive and ongoing diplomatic effort on all fronts,  and it clearly does not, our future as relates to national security, is in grave danger. This nation's last effort at world leadership, traditionally an extension of our military might,   was a failed "Cap and Trade" summit in Copenhagen (November of 2009), nearly three years ago.  Since that time,  Obama has gutted our nuclear arsenal,  drastically cut our military to the point that we can no longer fight a multi-front war,  and destroyed our image as a world power.    

And finally,  why the red line in the sand over the use of chemical warfare in Syria?  I really do not get this restriction.  Apparently,  it is “o.k.” to kill 30,000 innocents  and more,   just as long as the Syrian Government does not use chemicals to get the job done.  Is that what this Know Nothing in our White House is saying?    


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