Rush Limbaugh ridiculed the
Republican Establishment today, Wednesday, for being “shocked” when Santorum TEAbowed Romney in a three state sweep of Tuesdays primary elections.
“I can't believe how insulated they
are. . . . . . They're literally shocked. The Republican establishment
had no idea this was percolating out there. . . . . First it was Newt, now
it’s Santorum. It can’t be the candidates. It can’t be that Santorum’s
connecting with voters. It can’t be that, no, no ----- it can’t be that Santorum’s
resonating with Republican voters, the conservative base. It can’t be that the
conservative base just isn’t happy with Romney. It can’t be any of that. No,
no, no . . . . They’re doing it because they genuinely have a problem with
Romney. And they’re doing it because, in
Santorum’s case . . . . . if you’re looking for a conservative who is the least
corrupted, who has the least number of periods of wandering off the
reservation, if you’re looking for a conservative who’s never sat down with
Nancy Pelosi on the couch for any reason, you get Rick Santorum, and people
know this. . . . . Everybody is guilty of some transgression somewhere against
conservatism, except Santorum. . . . . . No, I wasn’t surprised by this! I’m not
surprised by this. It’s one of the reasons that I haven’t been panicking
throughout all of this. I think I have a pretty good understanding and idea
where the Republican base is. If they’re given the opportunity to vote for what
they think [is] so important, they’ll do it.”
Editor's notes: "TEAbow" is my creation and "yes," I am bragging. As far as Rush's comments are concerned, we are on the same page. The Establishment GOP despises the TEA party element of the party, but there are too danged many of us (like 15 or 20 million) to be ignored. And, despite news to the contrary, we are still "out there," waiting for the campaign season to kick into gear. You can have your 10,000 Occupiers; I'll take my 15 to 20 million TEA party types and we'll take all you Marxist wannabe's on.
Editor's notes: "TEAbow" is my creation and "yes," I am bragging. As far as Rush's comments are concerned, we are on the same page. The Establishment GOP despises the TEA party element of the party, but there are too danged many of us (like 15 or 20 million) to be ignored. And, despite news to the contrary, we are still "out there," waiting for the campaign season to kick into gear. You can have your 10,000 Occupiers; I'll take my 15 to 20 million TEA party types and we'll take all you Marxist wannabe's on.
The teabaggers are finished. Every poll taken in the last 6 months shows failing support for the radical right, ridiculously ignorant and racist teabaggers. A movement in history soon to be forgotten.