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  1. gop war on poor

    1. The Progressive Lest would allow their children to stay in their bedrooms until 2 in the afternoon, then fix a meal for their little darlings, run out and buy their pot, take them to an Occupy riot, and, then home again . . . . . . . . and wonder why their kids never get off their asses and make something of themselves. Anonymous will miss the point but, that is my response to this stupid/silly claim that the GOP, the party of the working middle class, wants the poor to remain poor.

      Nothing KEEPS the poor enslaved to a political party more than unkept promises and an occassional free phone . . . . . . 4 million free phones over the past six years, in fact.

      If your plan is working so great, why have wages gone down, the ranks of poverty increased, and the population on food stamps doubled, since you all have been in power? You all are a joke, and the majority of voting Americans know it.

    2. Demonize the poor, subsidies to the rich = GOP mantra. Repeat over and over.

      If it’s a tax break, tax cut or any other program that benefits the rich – it’s essential for the American economy and our very way of life. But if it’s something that helps the poor, then it’s a threat that might just tear this entire country apart and an attack on American values. Hell, just look how Republicans behaved during the “fiscal cliff” standoff where many Republicans would have rather seen taxes go up on 100 percent of Americans just to try to protect the tax breaks for the very richest among us. Yet they had absolutely no problem allowing millions of poor Americans to receive less government assistance to buy food for their families right before the holidays when they allowed an extension on those benefits to expire. Not only did they allow this extension to expire, they then proposed $39 billion more in cuts to the SNAP program. Now they’re fighting a hike in the minimum wage and an extension on unemployment benefits millions of Americans depend on to take care of their family.

      These are the same people pushing 'biblical values'.

    3. "demonize the poor." You got this from your leader, the One Percenter we know as Barack Hussein Obama.

      You write: "But if it’s something that helps the poor, then it’s a threat that might just tear this entire country apart and an attack on American values." It is easy to make baseless charges. How about giving specific evidence linking your two point? You won't do this, because you can't do this. The fact of the matter is this: the GOP is 70 or 80 percent blue collar. Just look at the pics of the 2009 / 2010 tea party rallies . . . . . . millions of people, 99% of them obviously blue collar, Middle American.

      You write: " . . . . . allowing millions of poor Americans to receive less government assistance to buy food for their families . . . . ." 2009, 27 million on food stamps; today, 47 million on food stamps. The work requirement for continued welfare, was a Bill Clinton idea, so stop with your insane and groundless rhetoric. You do no one a favor by creating a safety net that encourage a person never to leave that safety net. But you Dems need the votes, so you work to make welfare a way of life. What a shame.

      When benefits run out, most American's somehow find a job and go back to work. I know some 20 folks, personally, over the past six years, who went on unemployment. In each case, within three weeks following the end of their unemployment benefits, they found work . . . . . not the work they wanted, not the work that they were trained to do, but work, nonetheless.

      Only 3 million folks are on minimum wage and most move off minimum wage within 24 months. And, minimum wage was never supposed to be a "living wage," only a safety net for some and a job opportunity for those who had no training. During the days of the Clinton work requirements, 9 million more people worked, poverty levels were far lower than today, under Obama, the work week was 40 hours instead of 30, under Obama, and personal wealth was much higher. The Utopian "plan" simply does not work, no surprise to those of us work for a living, manage businesses, and create jobs.

    4. Says the guy who depends on the Gov't for his survival.

      The teaparty are an example of a group manipulated by the anti-immigrant, anti-minority, anti-poor rhetoric being pedaled by Fox News. So stupid that that bite the hand that feeds them and are manipulated in voting against their own interests by fear, manipulation and stupidity.

    5. I paid into my gov't run retirement, and had no choice but to do that, moron. We invested and managed personal retirement funds, as well, and earn about 10 times the monthly sum we receive our investment in SS and Medicaid.

      But who cares? right? I mean, you sit in your celler bathroom, in your robe, making up stuff and think you are turning the tide. Too bad you have to deal with me, on every email comment you send to Midknight Review.

    6. While the rest of America under 50 watches Maddow and Stewart demolish the GOP with fact after fact. Brilliance vs stupidity and denial.


    7. Seriously? Just know that Stewart has much more creditability than Maddow. Maddow versus the aging Bill O'Reilly in the 24 to 54 crowd: 233,000 to 396,000 for O'Reilly. Maddow (233,000) versus Megan Kelly 313,000. But keep making up crap. Maybe your family and friends will be deceived.

    8. Just like McDonald's over a billion served ... and America is obese.

    9. Just awesome... slam dunk.

    10. still, poverty has increased since and because of Obama. Stewart is just frustrated because his know-nothing hero is taking the Progressive Movement down for the count.
