More bad news for Obama and his Democrat henchmen - this time from PEW Research.

PEW,  in its most recent survey dump,  tells us what most believed to be true,  the secular Jewish vote is moving away from the Obama brand of liberalism.  PEW tells us that the movement adds up to 9% of the Jewish vote, compared to 2008 numbers.  

Comparing '08 with '11,  we have these survey "facts" 

Movement toward the GOP:  Protestants - a 5 point move;
Catholics (before Obama's latest decision) - a 6 point move;
White Catholics - an 8 point move;  
Mormons  --  12 point move toward GOP;

A careful look at the PEW chart shows, in fact,  a move 
toward the GOP and away from Obama's liberalism in all

1 comment:

  1. Considering Jews make up less 1.7% of the population, this is really HUGE.

