If this was a Habit instead of a Burka, what would you think?

Image from the Daily Mail.

According to a report found in The Blaze:

A Flemish nationalist politician in Belgium said he and his daughter have received death threats after she posed in a Muslim veil and bikini as part of his “Women Against Islamization” campaign.

The report concluded with this:  

Since the campaign started, Filip Dewinter told Fox News, he and An-Sofie have received hate mail and death threats.
. . . .  For her part, An-Sofie [the 20 year old daughter] seemed to brush off any possible danger. . . . .It doesn’t scare me.  I don‘t think they’re serious. I hope not.”  >>>> you can read the full story and review the Fox News video here. 
Editor's note:  I find it difficult to believe that this father/daughter team does not count the death threats that have come their way,  as serious,  but then,  we have the case  of Salman Rushdie, and the death threats he has been living with for well over two decades  (Rushdie authored a book entitled The Satanic Verses  1988).  While one wonders just how serious is a threat that is more than 20 years old,  the fact remains that Rushdie is in hiding to this day.    
The protest of this father/daughter team seems somewhat suicidal in that it not only involves a protest against Islam,  it lodges the protest in the most controversial of ways.  Imagine the burka (niqab)  being replaced by a habit and the signs read,  "Free us from Catholicism."  Of course,  no one would be threatening death,  but  you get the point. 
The protest has gotten plenty of attention in Belgium, but, it seems limited to the number of bikini's the family owns. Certainly  we can support the protest,  but when dealing with some of the most violent participants in Islam,  perhaps a different approach would have made for a more meaningful and substantive challenge.    

Here in America,  we often see such antiques, skaggly Green Piece women stripping to promote whatever,  and I say "whatever"  because their protests are soon forgotten.  

In closing,  all I have to say  is this:  nice eyes. 

Point of post:  if changing the world was as simple as changing our clothes,  what a grand kingdom we would [already] have.  

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