Stop with the "The Right Wing has no solutions" already.

Categories in need of legislative change from Heriage

Think Republicans/Conservatives don't have ideas? Think again, Currently, our budget proposal, the Paul Ryan proposal, is the only prepared budget designed and scored (by the CBO) to get government back. It cuts 6.6 trillion and sets a legislative agenda for the future. Don't like the Ryan budget? Well, you probably have never read the thing. But, if you have good reason to disagree, point us to your [Democrat/Progressive/Socialist/Commie Pinko/Whatever] written and a scored solution(s).

Read this Policy Agenda:

Introduction and Highlights

Changing America’s Course

Restoring the U.S. to a Free Economy

The Entitlement Crisis

Reining in Runaway Spending and Deficits

Tax Reform

Meeting America’s Energy and Environmental Needs

The Unsustainable Growth of Welfare

Making Federal Policy Marriage-Friendly

The Rising Tide of Red Tape

Re-embracing Federalism

Revitalizing Federal Highway Transportation Policy

Education Reform

Getting Health Care Reform Right

The Federalization of Homeland Security


Civil Justice Reform

The Role of the Courts

Ensure that Congress Follows the Constitution

A Conservative Foreign Policy

The Building Blocks of a Strong National Defense

The Threat of Nuclear Weapons

Holding Terrorists Accountable

Developing a Strong Border and Immigration Policy

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