If you understand that "tide rise" is a critical aspect of demonstrative warming, the following disproves the doctrine

1.  Manhatten is the financial captial of the world.  Its elevations range from  sea level to 300 feet.  There are no financial institutions on this island planning on moving to "higher ground."  no tide rise

2.  Pictures of the Statue of Liberty show an identical shore-line when comparing 1935 pictures to  present day pictures of the island.No tide rise

3.  The Panama Canal  :  a recent passage through the Canal revealed (to me) an identical water level as on the day of it's opening in 1914.  No tide rise.

4.  There are no planned projects designed to move the population to higher ground on any of the Pacific Island including Hawaii.

5.  Japan has a large population living on its coastline with no plns to "rescue" that population due to a supposed "tide rise." 

I could go on and on,  talking about the African coastline, Australia, England (its an island).  The demonstrable fact of the matter is this:  glabal warming as tied to "tide rise" is not evidenced.


  1. Never really thought of it, but your argument opposing warming as evidenced in geo events is great Don't leave off the prediction that the 9-11 memorial's foundation was to under 20 feet of ocean water by 2015. Katrina (2005) was to be the first of nearly two dozen cat 3/5 events in the Gulf. Also, we have the prediction that the Northern Ice Cap would be nothing but history (as in "gone, gone, gone")by this time in world history.

  2. Wrong again, genius.


