Trump's Impeachment Strategy

Question: Obviously Schiff and the Impeachment Democrats do not want anyone to talk to the so-called whistleblower.  It is obvious that the Blower is not protected from being required to give testimony,  I mean,  he had to fill out  and sign a complaint form   . . .  why not give testimony.  No one wants to do this man harm.  Besides,  we all know who this man is  (click on the lable below, "whistleblower").

Adam Schiff is a fact witness because he not only knows the whistleblower but has had talks (counsel) with the man.  Trump has every right to depose Schiff AND the whistleblower AND cross examine the two men.

Finally,  Trump has every right to cross examinie those who witnessed against him during the impeachment hearing as well as depose his own witnesses.

The Dems want none of this.

Personally,  I believe there is high probability that an impeachment recommendation will not be sent to the Senate.  precisely because of Trump's strategy and the fact that the Dems have not proven their case for impeachment and removal.  

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