General Mattis' revelations concerning the shameful murder of the Saudi/American journalist: Turns out Trump is correct.

In responce to questions from Bret Baier at the  Reagan National Defense Forum,  this morning,  General James Mattis made this very definitive statement:  "I have seen all the intel relating to this murder,  and I can say that there is no smoking gun indicting the Saudi Crown Prince."  


  1. The CIA has concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. US officials expressed high confidence in the CIA assessment.

    HIGH CONFIDENCE = smoking gun

    1. so you know better than General James Mattis. The CIA concluded a "high probability" but did not cite a smoking gun event.Aand "so what." Barack made love to Putin, Castro, and the Iranians.

  2. That would be typical Smithson, disparaging a CIA conclusion in favor of heinous dictator. You give a thug like the Saudi Prince the benefit of the doubt for NO other reason but to save Trump's ass from a pathetic response.

    1. Barack did it (gave the benefit of the doubt) with Castro, the radicals in Iran, Putin.
