Chief Justice Roberts is speaking for the Supreme Court, not the 9th Circuit.

Chief Justice Roberts made the following statement to the Associated Press: “We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges. What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them. That independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.”

Editor: No one outside the justices in our court systems believes Roberts statement.  Proof is the idiotic nonsense the Dems laid on Justice Kavanaugh all in the name of "preventing another Trump appointee" to the Court.  In time,  Roberts decisions in toto will be markedly different in their impact on society than those of Bader Ginsburg.  

If you don't want to brand them "Trump judges,"  or "Clinton judges,"  at least recognize the divide that exists in our high courts that identifies some as activist judges,  those who believe the Constitution is a living document and should be interpreted in the light of a changing domestic scene,  and those justices who keep the original intent of the Consitution at the center of every decision.  


  1. Is this any different than Trump attacking the free press, the FBI, his own AG? But he give a pass to a murdering Saudi dictator, Putin, and Kim Jong Un.

    "He wrote me beautiful letters and we fell in love" - Trump on Kim Jong

    1. you're such a simpleton when it comes to politics. Did Trump ever promise to be more flexible with Putin? As far as the press is concerned, who made the first attack(s)? The press, of course, on tracking to tearing down his presidency . . . I call that being "an enemy of the people" since the people voted him into office. who kissed all over Castro and Chavez and Putin? Barack, of course. So you really have nothing to stand on since your leaders were first in line to forgive the despots listed above.

    2. I forgot about kissing all over Iran, the folks who murdered more than 2000 of our soldiers.

  2. Trump is owned by . . . . .

    The remainder of this post from Anonymous is so illogical as to be unintelligible. Its how they think, its how they write.

  3. Chief Justice John Roberts seems to know something we don’t . . . . And with those words, Anonymous set in print several assumptions relating to issues for which he has no knowledge. In case you all missed it, I am not in the habit of posting fantasy "facts," and relating rhetorical bias. The Anonymous post was sheer fantasy.
